Fig. 6. LA increases mechanocurrents in Ube3am–/p+ DRG neurons.
a Representative whole-cell patch-clamp recording elicited by mechanical stimulation (−60 mV) of rapidly, intermediate, and slowly inactivating currents of control and LA-treated WT, Ube3am–/p+, and Ube3am+/p- DRG neurons. We used a two-day LA supplementation protocol (50 µM for 24 h and 100 µM for another 24 h). b Current densities elicited by maximum displacement of control and LA-treated WT DRG neurons classified by their time constant of inactivation. Bars are mean ± SD. Two-way ANOVA (F = 34.4; p = 1.05−6) and Sidak–Holm multiple-comparisons test. c Current densities elicited by maximum displacement of control and LA-treated Ube3am–/p+ DRG neurons classified by their time constant of inactivation. Bars are mean ± SD. Two-way ANOVA (F = 43.8; p = 2.36−8) and Sidak–Holm multiple-comparisons test. d Current densities elicited by maximum displacement of control and LA-treated Ube3am+/p– DRG neurons classified by their time constant of inactivation. Bars are mean ± SD. Two-way ANOVA (F = 45.9; p = 9.84−8) and Sidak–Holm multiple-comparisons test. e Boxplots show the displacement thresholds required to elicit mechanocurrents in control and LA-treated DRG neurons. Boxplots show mean (square), median (bisecting line), bounds of box (75th to 25th percentiles), outlier range with 1.5 coefficient (whiskers), and minimum and maximum data points. Two-way ANOVA (F = 14.2; p = 2.59−4) and Tukey multiple-comparisons test. n is denoted in each panel. Post hoc p-values are denoted above the boxes and bars. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.