Fig. 2.
a) Schematic depicting the time scale of infection and vaccination with approximate blood collection time points for all four groups included in this study. b) Phylogenetic analysis of retrieved SARS-CoV-2 spike protein sequences in comparison to the Wuhan-Hu-1 reference sequence (NC_045512). a) For non-hospitalized individuals (blue line), the baseline (BL) time point was collected between 0.5-5 months post symptom onset with follow-up time points at 6 months (6M), 12M and 24M post symptom onset. For hospitalized individuals (red line), the BL time point was collected between 0.1-1-month post symptom onset with follow-up time points at 1 week (1wk), 1M, 3M, 6M and 12M post symptom onset. The two syringes between 6M and 24M indicate the possible time in which the participants from both groups may have received their vaccination against COVID-19. For both vaccination groups (mRNA–mRNA group = green line, vector-mRNA group = purple line), blood was collected pre-vaccination, 1M post vaccination (2-dose regimen) and then at 5M and 9M (pre-booster vaccination), 10M (1M post booster vaccination) and 14M (4M post booster vaccination) post vaccination. The syringes indicate the time in which the participants received vaccine doses. The viruses above indicate the dominant circulating variants during the indicated time windows that could cause infection. b) Comparison of retrieved SARS-CoV-2 spike protein sequences from the non-hospitalised COVID-19 (Non-H), hospitalised COVID-19 (H) mRNA–mRNA (mRNA) and vector-mRNA (Vector) groups. Each colour is a clade shown in relation to its variant nomenclature (grey = Wuhan-Hu-1, blue = D614G, orange = alpha, green = delta and yellow = omicron). The scale represents the phylogenetic distance of 0.001 nucleotide substitutions per site.