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. 2023 Mar 2;2023(3):CD008168. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD008168.pub2

Suri 2019.

Methods Single‐centre, randomised controlled trial conducted in India
Participants Inclusion criteria: infants ≥ 37 weeks' gestation; postnatal age > 24 hours to ≤ 10 days and unconjugated bilirubin 12 to 20 mg/dL;  APGAR > 6 at 5 minutes
Exclusion criteria: infants requiring intensive care ((quote:) "i.e. ventilator, endotracheal intubation, and peritoneal dialysis"); major congenital malformation ((quote:) "cardiac, skeletal, renal, dysmorphism etc"); sepsis ((quote:) "i.e. positive blood culture, fits, reluctance to feed, platelets < 50000"); (quote:) "congenital abnormalities"; (quote:) "Mothers those who are not willing"
Interventions Total N variably reported (N = 100; N = 258)
Group A (n variably reported (n = 50; n = 129)): continuous phototherapy (2 hours on, 20 minutes off)
Group B (n variably reported (n = 50; n = 129)):  intermittent phototherapy (1 hour on, 30 minutes off)
Duration of phototherapy and criteria for stopping not specified
Outcomes Primary outcome
  • Serum bilirubin 36 hours after commencing phototherapy

Notes Reported results identical to Khaliq 2016 (awaiting response from respective authors and editors)

AAP: American Academy of Pediatrics
DCT: Direct Coombs Test
G6PD: glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase
Rh: rhesus
TSB: total serum bilirubin