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. 2022 Jun 6;58(4):530–548. doi: 10.23736/S1973-9087.22.07404-4

Table II. —Characteristics of intervention and control groups, outcome measures, follow-up and main findings of the included studies.13, 14, 16, 21-23, 30, 37-47.

Meta-analysis Intervention group Control group Frequency of intervention group Time-match intervention with control group Outcomes Follow-up Main findings
Ahn et al. (2019)37 VR
Commercial VR
rTMS+VR training
Sham rTMS+VR training
- 8 studies out of 9 Activity: BI and FIM - VR improves UL function and activities.
Aminov et al. (2018)38 VE interventions+CT
CG: Wii, Xavix, EyeToy, IREX system, Xbox Kinect, or a combination of systems+CT
CT: PT, OT Duration: M=18 sessions (range 4-36)
Intensity: M=153.9 min/week (range 60-180)
Frequency: mean 3 sessions/week (range 1-5)
21 studies out of 33 (=active control group) Body function: FMA-UE
Activity: BBT, FIM, BI
Participation: MAL
6 studies: 4-6 weeks follow-up
6 studies: 8-26 follow-up
VR intervention as an adjunct improves UL body structure and activity.
Chien et al. (2020)21 RAT+CT
RAT alone (of the UL)

Devices: SMART Arm, Armeo Spring, REAplan robot, NeReBot training, MIT-MANUS, Gloreha, Hand Mentor Pro
CT=PT, OT, task-training program, daily rehabilitation treatment, intermittent cutaneous electric stimulation, and home exercise program Duration: M=5.6 weeks and 25 sessions (range 2-12 weeks and 9-40 sessions)
Intensity: M=75min (range 30-120)
Frequency: 5 sessions/week
8 studies out of 11 Body function: FMA-UE, MAS
Activity: FIM, BI, Activlim questionnaire, ARAT, WMFT, QuickDASH, SIS
- RAT=CT for function and disability
Coupar et al. (2012)39 Home therapy program: functional exercises, assistive/resistive exercises with proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation and resistive exercises
VR intervention with telerehabilitation
Usual care
VR intervention with a therapist present
- Not mentioned Body function: FMA-UE
Activity: BI, JTHF, WMFT
1 study: 1 month follow-up

1 study: 6 months follow-up
Insufficient evidence to determine if home therapy program is more or less effective than CT in hospital.
Doumas et al. (2021)46 -Serious games alone
-Serious games+CT

Devices: end-effectors, motion capture gloves, exoskeletons, immersive VR, smartphones, tablets, EMG-controlled sensor, arm support system
CT: OT, PT Duration: M=5 weeks (range 2-12 weeks)
Intensity: M range=30-225 min
44 studies out of 51 -Body function: FMA-UE
-Activity: ARAT, WFMT, BBT
SIS scale
50% of trials

M=2.3 months (range 1-6)
Serious games (displayed with RAT, VR or TR devices) showed superior results to CT for UL motor function, activity and participation
Ferreira et al. (2018)22 RAT alone
RAT added to CT, standard therapy, motor learning, repetitive task-specific practice, an arm-hand training program and functional task practice

Devices: MIT-MANUS, Haptic Knob, ARMinIII, MIME, UL-EXO7, InMotion2, Bi-Manu Track, ARM Guide
MI: sham RAT, no intervention, placebo intervention
OI=CT=usual care, repetitive task practice, intensive conventional arm exercise program, physical therapy, electrical stimulation
Duration: M=8 weeks (range 2-20)
Intensity: 0.2-2 hours/session
Frequency: M=3 sessions/week (range 2-6)
22 studies RAT alone vs OI Body function: FMA-UE, CMSA, MAS, MRC, hand-held dynamometer, MPS, MMT Short term:<3 months
Medium term:>3 months and<12 months
Long term:>12 months
RAT has small effects on motor control and medium effects on strength.
Karamians et al. (2020)14 VR/gaming CT=Bobath, NDT, stretching, strengthening, and ADL training - Not mentioned Body function: FMA-UE
Activity: ARAT, WMFT
- VR is more effective than CT.
Kwakkel et al. (2008)40 RAT

Devices: MIT-MANUS, MIME, ARM Guide, Bi-Manu-Track, InMotion Shoulder-Elbow Robot
Electrical stimulation
Frequency: M=48.3 min/day No Body function: FMA-UE, CMSA
Activity: FIM

RAT improves motor function
Laver et al. (2017)41 5 intervention approaches including VR in UL training (35 studies)

Devices: commercially available gaming consoles, CAREN system, Customised VR programs
Recreational therapy
No intervention
Usual care
Duration: 5 ->21 hours Not mentioned Body function: FMA-UE
Activity: WMFT, MAL, ARAT, BI
Short term follow-up:<3 months VR and video gaming=CT but VR used as an adjunct to CT may be effective in UL function and ADL.
Laver et al. (2020)30 Telerehabilitation at home, in a long-term care facility or a separated local healthcare centre
goal-setting, education, family therapy, and case management
UL physical function

Devices: telephone, videoconferencing hardware and software, desktop videophones
In-person rehabilitation
No rehabilitation
Usual care
- Not mentioned Body function: FMA-UE, ARAT, NHPT
Activity: BI
- Telerehabilitation=usual care and in person therapy.
Lee et al. (2019)42 VR unilateral UL: Nintendo
VR bilateral UL: Wii sport, Xbox Kinect
Robotic/virtually stimulated
Some studies add CT
No treatment (1 study)
- All studies except for one (no treatment) Body function: FMA-UE, BBT - VR improves motor function in chronic stroke patients.
Lo et al. (2017)43 RAT (TR=0)
RAT+CT (TR=0.2-0.6)

Devices: unilateral and bilateral arm robotics
CT Duration: total hours=4-300 TR=0 Body function: FMA-UE, CMSA, WMFT-FAS
20 studies:<3 months
16 studies:>3 months
RAT=CT for UL movement and ADL.
Maier et al. (2019)13 SVR: alone or with CT
Devices: Microsoft Kinect, data gloves, computer vision, sensors, video camera, webcam, light-emitting diodes, hand-held sensors
Devices: Nintendo Wii, Microsoft Xbox kinect, Sony PlayStation EyeToy
Some studies add CT
Recreational therapy
Duration: M=4.3-4.4 weeks (range 2-12) with M=23.9 and 21.9 of total hours
Intensity: range 20-158.3 minutes/session
Not for all studies Body function: FMA-UE, MI, SIS (hand), Brunnstrom Motor Recovery Stage
Activity: BBT, FIM, BI, ARAT, WMFT
- SVR is more beneficial than CT in UL recovery. NSVR is not more beneficial than CT.
Mehrholz et al. (2020)16 RAT: UDFHT, EPAHT, UPAHT, EXAHT, DGFHT, EBAHT

Devices: MIT Manus/InMotion, Bi-Manu-Track, Amadeo
CT - Yes Body function: FMA-UE, SIS (hand function),
Activity: WMFT, BI, FIM
- RAT=CT in UL function and ADL. Any device is better or worse than another one.
Norouzi-Gheidari et al. (2012)23 RAT

Devices: REHAROB, T-WREX, ARM-Guide, MIME, NeReBot, and MIT-Manus.
CT - Yes, statistical analysis separated time-match and additional RT Body function: FMA-UE, MSS, MPS
Activity: FIM
7 studies follow-up (3; 6; 8 months and 3 years) Intensive CT=RAT for motor recovery, ADL, strength and motor control.
Prange et al. (2006)44 RAT=repetitive, goal-directed forward-reaching movements (active movement)

Devices: MIT-Manus, MIME, ARM-Guide
CT - Not mentioned Body function: FMA-UE - RAT improve motor control more than CT.
Rintala et al. (2019)45 Home based training non-supervised or tele-supervised for UL motor function

Video, audiovidual DVD
Online web-based telerehabilitation program
VR with game play (Nintendo Wii)
- UL exercises in VE at home non-supervised
- Telephone Calls
- Usual care
Frequency: 3-5 sessions/week Not mentioned Activity: MBI, BI, FONEFIM, MRS, SIS (ADL) - Technology-based distance physical rehabilitation=traditional treatment in UL function and ADL.
Zhao et al. (2022)47 RAT

Devices: AMADEO, InMotion3.0 WRIST, Gloreha, Bi-Manu-Track, Rehapticknob
Typical treatment:
-therapist-assisted training
-passive range of motion exercices
Duration: M range=30-120 min
Frequency: M=5 times/week
Intensity: M=30 min
Not mentionned -Body Function: FMA-UE
-Activity: NHPT, BBT, MAS, MBI, SIS
- RAT improves UL motor function, strength, spasticity and dexterity

ADL: activity of daily living; AMAT-F: Arm Motor Ability Test Function; ARAT: Action Research Arm Test; ARM Guide: Assisted Rehabilitation and Measurement Guide; BBT: Box and Block Test; BI: Barthel Index; CAFE 40: California Functional Evaluation 40; CG: Commercial Gaming; CIMT: Constraint Induced Movement Therapy; CT: Conventional Therapy; CMSA: Chedoke McMaster Stroke Assessment; DASH: Disabilities of Arm Shoulder and Hand; DGFHT: unilateral Distal Glove-based Finger/Hand Training; EBAHT: end effector assisted distal and bilateral arm/hand training; EPAHT: end effector-assisted proximal emphasised unilateral arm/hand training; EXAHT: exoskeleton assisted unilateral arm/hand training; FIM: Function Independence Scale; FMA-UE: Fugl-Mayer Assessment of the Upper Extremity; FONEFIM: telephone version of FIM; JTHF: Jebsen Test of Hand Function; MAL: Motor Activity Log; MAL-QOM: motor activity log-quality of movement; MAS: Modified Ashworth Scale; MBI: Modified Barthel Index; MI: minimal intervention; MIME: mirror image movement enabler; MMT: Manual Muscle Testing; MPS: Motor Power Scale; MRC: Medical Research Council; MRS: Modified Rankin Scale; MSS: Motor Statue Scale; NDT: Neurodevelopmental Treatment; NHPT: Nine Hole Peg Test; NSVR: non-specific virtual reality; OI: other intervention; OT: occupational therapy; PT: physiotherapy; rTMS: repetitive transcranial magnetic Stimulation; RAT: Robot Assisted Therapy; SIS: Stroke Impact Scale; SVR: specific virtual reality; TR=0: RAT alone vs CT alone; UDFHT: unilateral distally emphasized finger/hand training; UPAHT: unilaterally proximal emphasized arm/ hand training; UL: upper limb; VE: virtual environments; VR: virtual reality; WFMT: Wolf Motor Function Test; WFMT-FAS: Wolf Motor Function Test-Functional Ability Score.