Figure 1.
Circulating miR-21 correlates with left atrial LVAs and treatment outcome. (A) Representative high-density bipolar voltage maps from patients undergoing AF catheter ablation. No/minor LVAs: 37.1%, moderate LVAs: 22.3%, Extensive LVAs: 40.6% (semi-quantitative illustration, no scale bar available). (B) Left atrial LVAs strongly correlate with treatment outcome after ablation. Patients in SR after 12 months: 73.3% having no/minor LVAs, 51.4% having moderate LVAs and 18.2% having extensive LVAs. n = 37–66. (C) Circulating miR-21 positively correlates with left atrial LVAs. Patients with low miR-21 serum concentration had low LVAs and patients with high miR-21 had significantly more LVAs. n = 21–40. (D) Circulating miR-21 in arterial serum correlates with treatment outcome after catheter ablation. 39.1% of patients with high miR-21 serum levels were in stable SR 12 months after ablation, whereas 48.9% with moderate miR-21 concentration and 60% with low miR-21 concentration were free from AF 12 months after ablation. n = 10–45. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM. **p < 0.01. LVAs = low voltage area.