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. 2023 Mar 2;6(3):e231198. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.1198

Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of Patients Who Underwent Surgery Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemica.

Characteristic Patient cohort
Before the COVID-19 pandemicb (n = 823 746) During the COVID-19 pandemicc (n = 164 690)
Age, mean (SD), y 54.3 (16.1) 55.1 (16.1)
Men 344 534 (41.8) 69 193 (42.0)
Women 479 200 (58.2) 95 483 (58.0)
Nonbinary 11 (0.001) 14 (0.01)
Not reported 1 (0.0001) 0
Race and ethnicity
Black or African American 84 342 (10.2) 16 446 (10.0)
Hispanic White 53 321 (6.5) 11 977 (7.3)
Non-Hispanic White 528 356 (64.1) 95 231 (57.8)
Other or unknownd 157 727 (19.1) 41 036 (24.9)
<18.5 6556 (0.8) 1509 (0.9)
18.5-24.9 160 860 (19.5) 33 536 (20.4)
25.0-29.9 243 610 (29.6) 51 109 (31.0)
≥30.0 404 659 (49.1) 76 162 (46.2)
Not reported 8061 (1.0) 2374 (1.4)
ASA class
I-II 490 003 (59.5) 97 409 (59.1)
III-IV 332 721 (40.4) 67 078 (40.7)
Not reported 1022 (0.1) 203 (0.1)
Functional status
Independent 811 682 (98.5) 162 560 (98.7)
Partially dependent 5221 (0.6) 1039 (0.6)
Totally dependent 688 (0.1) 127 (0.1)
Not reported 6155 (0.7) 964 (0.6)
Diabetes 115 148 (14.0) 22 097 (13.4)
Current smoker 118 679 (14.4) 21 722 (13.2)
Severe COPD 23 702 (2.9) 4393 (2.7)
Chronic steroid use 22 498 (2.7) 4975 (3.0)
Hypertension 334 454 (40.6) 65 068 (39.5)
Minimally invasive colectomy
For cancer 63 300 (7.7) 14 503 (8.8)
For benign disease 35 058 (4.3) 7900 (4.8)
Breast lumpectomy 58 323 (7.1) 14 308 (8.7)
Mastectomy 44 063 (5.3) 10 603 (6.4)
Minimally invasive cholecystectomy 173 280 (21.0) 37 315 (22.7)
Minimally invasive inguinal hernia repair 57 544 (7.0) 13 526 (8.2)
Open inguinal hernia repair 86 042 (10.4) 15 251 (9.3)
Minimally invasive ventral hernia repair 63 771 (7.7) 13 144 (8.0)
Open umbilical hernia repair 66 207 (8.0) 10 861 (6.6)
Minimally invasive fundoplication 7235 (0.9) 1299 (0.8)
Minimally invasive sleeve gastrectomy 55 578 (6.7) 4571 (2.8)
Minimally invasive gastric bypass 25 781 (3.1) 2868 (1.7)
Parathyroidectomy 21 750 (2.6) 4595 (2.8)
Thyroid lobectomy 22 225 (2.7) 4774 (2.9)
Total thyroidectomy 40 298 (4.9) 8366 (5.1)
Minimally invasive adrenalectomy 3291 (0.4) 806 (0.5)

Abbreviations: ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists; BMI, body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared); COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


Unless otherwise indicated, data are expressed as No. (%) of patients. Percentages have been rounded and may not total 100.


Defined as the period spanning January 1, 2016, to December 31, 2019.


Defined as the period spanning January 1 to December 31, 2020.


Includes American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, other race or ethnicity, or unknown race or ethnicity.