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. 2022;51(1):35–45. doi: 10.5644/ama2006-124.368

Table 2.

Actual and Self-Perceived Knowledge and Opinions Regarding Organ Donation and Transplantation

Question / Statement Male (N; %) Female (N; %) P*
How do you define transplantation?

 As a medical procedure between a deceased and a sick person 14 46.7 1 3.3 < 0.0001

 As a medical procedure between a living and a sick person 7 23.3 29 96.7

 As a medical procedure between a living or a deceased person to a sick person 7 23.3 0 0.0

 As a medical procedure without reason 14 46.7 1 3.3

Have you heard of organ transplantation?

 Yes 28 93.3 28 93.3 0.388

 No 2 6.7 2 6.7

What are the most important factors in organ donation?

 The age of the recipient 9 30.0 3 10.0 0.0017

 The relationship with the donor 9 30.0 23 76.7

 Health condition 11 36.7 4 13.3

 Religious affiliation 1 3.3 0 0.0

How do you rate your knowledge regarding organ donation?

 Poor 17 56.7 1 3.3 <0.0001

 Good 11 36.7 9 30.0

 Excellent 2 6.7 20 66.7

How do you rate the information you received about organ donation?

 Insufficient 18 60.0 1 3.3 <0.0001

 Satisfactory 11 36.7 7 23.3

 Above average 1 3.3 22 73.3

Fisher exact test.