Transmission electron micrographs of subretinal glia. Thick section of an epoxy-embedded region of superior retina/choroid from the atrophic border of G2 demonstrates a thick subretinal membrane (A; paired arrows). At higher magnification, multiple Müller cell processes are visible. Müller cell processes also aligned to create a pattern reminiscent of endfeet (arrow) observed at the ILM (B). Müller cell processes extend into the choroid (C). Intracellular junctions are observed between Müller cell processes in the subretinal space (opposing arrowheads; D, E). Astrocyte processes, with lighter intermediate filaments (arrowheads), are also present in the subretinal structures, as are collagen bundles (F, G). Arrows indicate Müller cell processes in all images. Arrowheads indicate processes with lighter filament typical of astrocytes. BV indicates blood vessels in B. Scale bars: 50 µm (A), 1 µm (B, C), 500 µm (D), and 250 µm (E–G).