Figure 3.
Final OCT scans acquired from patient GA3. SS-OCT en face and B-scan images from patient GA3 in 2016, the same eye in Figures 1C and D. (A) En face sub-RPE structural image showing GA lesion as a hyperTD with surrounding calcified drusen as hypoTDs (arrows). (B) Same image as A with lines indicating the B-scan locations. (C) B-scan image corresponding to the pink line in B, showing the hyperreflective scarring within the retina that blocks the light from penetrating into the choroid. (D) B-scan image corresponding to the green line in B, showing a calcified druse (green arrow). (E) B-scan image corresponding to the yellow line in B, showing a calcified druse with a hyporeflective core (yellow arrow) and GA as a hyperTD. (F) B-scan image corresponding to the blue line in B, showing a calcified druse (blue arrow) and GA as a hyperTD. (G) B-scan image corresponding to the red line in B, showing a calcified druse (red arrow) and GA as a hyperTD. Note in C–G, the choroid is significantly thin. The property of calcified drusen was confirmed by histopathology in Figure 15.