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. 2023 Mar 3;28(1):28. doi: 10.1007/s40519-023-01555-2

Table 2.

Linear regression analysis in all sample (N = 755)

Dependent variable Adjusted R2 F1;753 Independent variables β p [95% CI]
mYFAS 2.0 0.31 197.139*** Age − 0.052 0.219 [− 0.027;0.006]
Sex 0.012 0.726 [− 0.242;0.347]
Educational achievement 0.071 0.040 [0.012;.529]
Employed − 0.057 0.375 [0.786;0.296]
Student − 0.124 0.064 [− 0.1.054;0.030]
BMI 0.214  < 0.001 [0.056;0.167]
Illicit drugs use 0.013 0.700 [− 0.329;0.489]
Tobacco use − 0.034 0.271 [− 0.405;0.114]
CAGE 0.066 0.105 [− 0.032;0.338]
EAT-26 0.266  <0 .001 [0.025;0.056]
BSI-GSI 0.287  <0 .001 [0.508;1.017]
Absorption − 0.065 0.237 [− 0.024;0.006]
Compartmentalization 0.174 0.013 [0.008;0.064]
Detachment 0.024 0.709 [− 0.016;0.024]

In bold significant variables associated with mYFAS 2.0 total score

BMI  Body Mass Index, mYFAS 2.0  modified Yale Food Addiction Scale 2.0 total score, EAT-26  Eating Attitude Test-26 total score, CAGE  Cut-down/Annoyed/Guilty/Open-eye questionnaire total score, BSI_GSI  Global Severity Index of the Brief Symptom Inventory score

Coding system: sex: 1 = man, 2 = woman; employed: 0 = no, 1 = yes, student: 0 = no, 1 = yes; educational achievement: 1 = primary or secondary school, 2 = college 3 = graduation; illicit drugs use: 0 = no, 1 = yes; tobacco use: 0 = no, 1 = yes

***p < 0.001