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. 2022 Nov 2;36(1):204–230. doi: 10.1007/s10278-022-00721-9

Table 3.

Advantages and limitations for deep learning methods in MRI denoising

Literature Main contribution Advantages Limitations
Kidoh et al. [55] Proposed a novel denoising method (dDLR) •   Neuroradiologists’ assessments and experiments on a clinical dataset shows that dDLR outperforms other methods with respect to SSIM, PSNR

•   Relatively small testing cohort

•   Experiments limited to T1, T2, FLAIR, and MPRAGE data

Zhu et al. [103] Proposed a novel MR image denoising method called DESN which has a novel network architecture and a well-designed loss function

•   A novel loss function which data fidelity loss, image quality penalty and three loss terms: MSE, SSIM, entropy term

•   Superior performance over SOTA in generating high-quality MR images with sufficient edge and texture information

•   Requirement of a large amount of training image data pairs to learn the clear image prior information
Christopher et al. [105] Proposed a variant of ADMM-DIP method for enhancing single coil MR images •   Achieved Rician noise removal from single MR image by utilizing the combined effect of MSE, KL divergence, and perceptual loss functions

•   Experiments are done only on simulated data

•   Hyperparameter tuning is not optimized

Ran et al. [48] Introduced a novel MRI denoising method based on the residual encoder–decoder Wasserstein GAN (RED-WGAN)

•   Novel loss function combining perpetual loss from VGG-19 network with MSE and adversarial losses

•   Achieved superior performance over SOTA in simulated and clinical data

•   Comparatively better computational cost

•   Experiments limited to brain data
Tian et al. [120] Proposed a novel MRI image denoising method using the conditional GANs

•   Experiments conducted on both synthetic and real clinical MRI datasets

•   Achieved high SSIM compared to SOTA in high noise levels

•   Experiments are incomprehensive and performed on limited data
Chauhan et al. [14] Proposed a combined approach of fuzzy logic and a convolutional autoencoder on a brain MR images •   The combined approach performs better than SOTA •   Experiments conducted on limited data
Jiang et al. [107] Proposed the Multi-channel DnCNN (MCDnCNN) method with two main training strategies to denoise images with and without a specific noise level

•   Comprehensive experiments conducted on public and clinical datasets

•   Reported high PSNR and SSIM over SOTA

•   Showed good generalizable applicability

•   Model incompatibility with 3D volumetric data

•   Experiments confined to brain data

Tripathi et al. [108] Propose a novel CNN-based denoiser called CNN-DMRI

•   End-to-end training scheme utilizing residual learning scheme

•   Performance assessed qualitatively and quantitatively on simulated and real data

•   Capability to denoise without losing crucial image details

•   Suboptimal computational time
Gregory et al. [109] Proposed the HydraNet, a multi-branch deep neural network architecture that learns to denoise MR images at a multitude of noise level •   Compatible with numerous factors such as pulse sequences, reconstruction methods, coil configurations, and physiological activities •   Incompatible with volumetric denoising
Naseem et al. [111] Proposed the Cross-Modality Guided Denoising Network (CMGDNet) for removing Rician noise in T1 data

•   Compatibility with cross-modal medical imaging

•   Exploited complementary information existing in cross-modal images and improved the learning capability

•   Experiments limited to public datasets

•   Experiments limited to brain data

Wu et al. [112] Proposed a denoising method named 3D-Parallel-Rician Net, which combines global and local information to remove noise in MR images

•   Introduced a powerful dilated convolution residual (DCR) module to expand the receptive field of the network

•   Introduced a depth wise separable convolution residual (DSCR) module to learn the channel and position information

•   Evaluated only on simulated T1 MR image data

•   Requirement for high-quality noise-free ground-truth images

Singh et al. [113] Proposed a noise filtering network which learns the image details from the image patches pixel-by-pixel from noise residuals to restore the detailed image features in an end-to-end feed-back approach •   Showed comparable performance with SOTA without losing important image information •   Insufficient number of experimentations
Tripathi et al. [115] Proposed a dual path deep convolution network based on discriminative learning for denoising MR images

•   Incorporated depth wise separable convolution to denoise the images of different noise levels

•   Yielded better performance as compared with various other networks

•   Attained favorable assessments from radiologists

•   Experiments limited to public data and brain data
Yang et al. [118] Proposed a hybrid regularization model from deep prior and low-rank prior. The local deep prior was explored by a fast flexible denoising convolutional neural network (FFDNet) •   Compared with the popular CS-MRI approaches, the experimental results demonstrated better performance •   Limited experiments
Moreno et al. [119] Evaluated two unsupervised approaches for MRI denoising in the complex image space using k-space data: SURE and blind spot network

•   Methods are evaluated on real knee MRI and synthetic brain MRI data

•   Both networks outperformed NLM and prove to be dependable denoising methods

•   Experiments limited to public datasets

•   Incomprehensive experiments

Panda et al. [28] Utilized perceptual loss and MSE for training a network for brain MRI denoising

•   Restored images were visually desirable and contained more anatomically refined features

•   The proposed CNN network surpassed SOTA for Rician MRI denoising and obtained high quality brain MR images

•   Comparatively large computational cost for training

•   Experiments on limited datasets