Themes and content |
The poster theme and content are innovative and original. |
The poster theme and content are somewhat innovative and original. |
The poster theme and content lack innovation and originality. |
The poster theme and content originate from others. |
Layers, channels, and filters |
Comprehensive use of multiple layers, channels, and filters. |
Use of multiple layers and filters without channels. |
Use of layers without filters or channels. |
Use of only a single layer without filters and channels. |
Image stitching |
The image-stitching effect is natural, and the color matching is appropriate. |
The image-stitching effect is natural, but the color matching is unreasonable. |
The image-stitching effect is unnatural, and the color matching is unreasonable. |
The images are not stitched. |
Paths |
Employs various paths to create a poster, and the effect is natural. |
Employs various paths to create a poster, but the effect is unnatural. |
Only one type of path is used. |
The poster has been created without using a path. |
Collaboration |
All group members collaborated to create and revise posters. |
Each group member completed a part, and then the parts were integrated into a poster. |
One member completed the poster, and the others revised it. |
Only one member created the poster. |