Figure 2.
Distribution of daily step counts for National Steps Challenge Season 3 (NSC3) pre-intervention (n = 165,320), NSC3 main intervention (n = 395,428), Personal Pledge (no pledge (non–Pledge participants, n = 353,105), Pledge noncompleters (n = 12,812), Pledge completers (n = 29,510)), and Corporate Challenge (not enrolled (n = 196,344) and enrolled (n = 69,574)) during relevant intervention periods, Singapore, 2017–2018. The bars show the 10th, 25th, 50th (median), 75th, and 90th percentiles of the distribution, and 96.1% of NSC3 participants, 95.6% of non–Pledge participants, 99.9% of Pledge noncompleters, 100% of Pledge completers, 77.9% of non–Corporate Challenge participants, and 79.3% of Corporate Challenge participants had data during the intervention periods.