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. 2022 Sep 20;78(3):456–468. doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbac141

Table 1.

Means, SD, and Intercorrelations Among the Variables in Study

Variables M (SD) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1. Age 61.16 (5.66)
2. Race (% White) 0.75 (0.43) −.07
3. Length of care 4.49 (1.76) .09 .05
4. Total grandchildren 1.97 (1.04) −.09 −.05 −.10
5. Income 2.94 (1.32) .07 .28* −.10 −.12
6. Adverse childhood experiences 4.17 (3.21) −.27* −.06 −.11 .09 −.14
7. Social support 7.04 (1.95) −.02 .02 .17* .04 −.11 −.10
8. Relationship strain 4.58 (2.12) .04 .08 −.14 −.06 .08 −.05 −.33*
9. Mean positive affect 3.39 (0.76) .14 −.20* −.02 .01 −.02 −.20* .36* −.25*
10. Mean negative affect 1.58 (0.46) −.11 .09 −.02 .06 −.14* .31* −.11 .20* −.49*
11. SD positive affect 0.54 (0.25) −.29* −.01 .01 −.01 −.10 .27* −.06 −.02 −.34* .28*
12. SD negative affect 0.43 (0.25) −.21* .05 −.08 .09 −.06 −.30* −.18* .13 −.47* .65* .61*

Notes: Length of care refers to length of time the adolescent grandchild has been with the custodial grandmother. Income was divided into five categories: 1 ($15,999 or less), 2 ($16,000–$25,999), 3 ($26,000–$50,999), 4 ($51,000–$75,999), and 5 ($76,000 or more). Social support and relationship strain refer to relationship quality with adolescent grandchild.

*p < .05.