Make AID systems available to all people with T1D (2, 3, 7, 8).
Initiation of AID can be done with in-clinic or digital/virtual training; further research is warranted on how to design, implement, and evaluate individual training programs, including required follow-up and long-term glycemic outcomes.
Ensure that the PwD and their care partners can demonstrate proficiency in intensive insulin therapy knowledge and skills before initiating AID.
Individualize training in AID based on each PwD’s current therapy:
MDI + blood glucose monitoring
CSII + blood glucose monitoring
CSII + CGM (as nonintegrated and integrated components)
AID system
Personalize training and follow-up based on the PwD/family, health care settings, etc.
Advise people with T1D who are transitioning from prior insulin pump therapy to AID to use current pump settings if glycemic control is acceptable; however, pump parameters (basal rate, bolus settings) may need reassessment.
Address insulin to carbohydrate ratios (ICRs), correction doses, basal rates, accounting for ratio of basal/TDD as well carbohydrate intake (eg, low carb diets).
Individualize the approach to AID depending on the AID system, considering target glucose, active insulin time, etc.
Provide fundamental guidance regarding hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia treatment with AID, exercise management, switching to open loop or MDI (for “pump vacation”), sick day management, etc (see “Clinical Recommendations for AID Use” section).