Figure 4.
The characteristics of macrophage exosomes and their assimilation by BMSCs. (a) The morphology of exosomes was observed under the transmission electron microscope. Exosomes were spherical and uniform in size (red arrows). (b) Exosome imaging using the NTA machine. The white dots in the image are exosomes (red arrows). (c) The size of exosomes was evaluated using NTA. The curve shows that the exosomes were 100–200 nm in diameter. (d) Fluorescence images from the exosome uptake experiment. BMSCs were labeled with green fluorescence and macrophages were labeled with red fluorescence. Transwell plates were used to create a cell co-culture system. The results showed that BMSCs acquired macrophage fluorescence signals (macrophage exosomes are shown in the images). Microscopy: 100× magnification and 100 μm scale.