A pulse of MYC alters the DNA methylome in skeletal muscle A Soleus muscle DNA methylation in promoter, exon, and intron regions of HSA-Myc (n=4) relative to control mice (n=3), p<0.0005 and 10x coverage per CpG site for MYC methylation data B Promoter CpG DNA methylation and C gene expression of Cfap298, Mitol (Marchf5), and Mettl1 after a pulse of MYC, p<0.0005 and 10x coverage per CpG site for MYC methylation data D Common gene-level intron hypo- and E hyper-methylation with MYC induction in the soleus compared to soleus myonuclear DNA methylation after 8 weeks of late-life PoWeR (Dungan et al., 2022a).*=multiple sites of regulation in one or both conditions, but only data from one site is shown. All data reported as mean ± standard deviation