Bisected fucosylated N-glycan alterations are specific to patients with iCCA in tissue—analysis in a discovery and validation tissue cohort. Representative images of the relative intensity of bisected/triantennary single fucosylated N-glycan (1850.667 m/z); (A) double fucosylated N-glycan (1996.720 m/z); (B) double fucosylated with a galactose N-glycan (2158.791 m/z); (C) tetraantennary branched N-glycan (2393.824 m/z) N-glycan (D) and high mannose N-glycan (1905.644 m/z) in TMA 1 (E). This TMA includes two cores per patient: 50 HCC, 20 iCCA, and 6 normal hepatic tissue. OLD: other liver diseases. (F–J) same N-glycans as in A–E but analyzed in a second independent validation tissue cohort (TMA 2). This TMA includes one core per patient: 45 HCC, 23 iCCA, and 5 normal hepatic tissue. (K–O) relative intensity quantification of both TMAs comparing iCCA (n = 43) v non iCCA (n = 108). Each point in box plots represents a patient. The mass defect used for each m/z value is based on TMA 1 run. The asterisk indicates statistical difference (Mann–Whitney, P < 0.001) and error bars represent the SD. Darker red colors represent a higher intensity for the specific glycan while more blue tones represent less intensity. For N-glycans, red triangle, fucose; blue square, N-acetylglucosamine; green circles, mannose; yellow circles, galactose.