Table 3.
Average baseline and monthly change in wearable daily physical activity measures.
Mod. | Device | Data | Daily measure | Baseline est. [95% CI] | Monthly change | R2m | R2c | % with 6 m rel. |
no. | group | set | est. [95% CI] (p-val.) | change ≥ 10% | ||||
1 | AG | VDMs | Light activity [minutes] | 1283 [1217, 1349] | −24.75 [−48.29, −1.215] (0.040) | 0.033 | 0.459 | 30% |
2 | AG | VDMs | Moderate activity [minutes] | 51.12 [35.00, 67.25] | −0.581 [−3.949, 2.788] (0.719) | 0.000 | 0.585 | 70% |
3 | AG | VDMs | Vigorous activity [minutes] | 4.032 [-1.130, 9.194] | −0.069 [−0.363, 0.226] (0.643) | 0.000 | 0.507 | 90% |
4 | AG | VDMs | MVPA [minutes] | 55.17 [36.28, 74.06] | −0.691 [−4.201, 2.818] (0.682) | 0.000 | 0.647 | 70% |
5 | AG | VDMs | Sedentary [minutes] | 1058 [987.3, 1130] | −13.06 [−32.25, 6.122] (0.170) | 0.009 | 0.560 | 30% |
6 | AG | VDMs | Nonsedentary [minutes] | 279.7 [204.5, 354.9] | −13.08 [−22.50, -3.662] (0.010) | 0.022 | 0.819 | 75% |
7 | AG | VDMs | Locomotion [minutes] | 23.17 [10.23, 36.12] | −0.526 [−2.143, 1.091] (0.502) | 0.001 | 0.772 | 80% |
8 | AG | VDMs | Nonlocomotion [minutes] | 1315 [1250, 1380] | −24.80 [−48.39, −1.219] (0.040) | 0.033 | 0.464 | 30% |
9 | AG | VDMs | Steps | 2661 [760.1, 4561] | −165.7 [−321.1, −10.21] (0.038) | 0.005 | 0.791 | 80% |
10 | AG | VDMs | Calories | 2109 [1840, 2377] | −53.95 [−100.8, −7.073] (0.027) | 0.023 | 0.772 | 45% |
11 | AG | VDMs | METs | 1525 [1354, 1697] | −38.42 [−71.32, −5.525] (0.025) | 0.033 | 0.663 | 45% |
12 | AG | VDMs | Total activity counts | 1292056 [988272, 1595841] | −56625 [−100107, −13144] (0.014) | 0.025 | 0.798 | 65% |
13 | AG | VDMs | Sleep [minutes] | 659.5 [538.4, 780.7] | −1.691 [−31.44, 28.06] (0.905) | 0.000 | 0.558 | 15% |
14 | AG | IDMs | Total activity counts | 1362438 [1046388, 1678489] | −58631 [−102202, −15059] (0.012) | 0.025 | 0.824 | 65% |
15 | AG | IDMs | Total log(activity counts) | 5456 [4808, 6104] | −127.7 [−236.9, −18.47] (0.026) | 0.029 | 0.707 | 65% |
16 | AG | IDMs | log(total activity counts) | 13.90 [13.50, 14.31] | −0.046 [−0.078, −0.013] (0.011) | 0.009 | 0.934 | 0% |
17 | AG | IDMs | Active to sedentary TP | 0.389 [0.299, 0.479] | 0.009 [0.003, 0.014] (0.003) | 0.005 | 0.890 | 60% |
18 | AG | IDMs | Sedentary to active TP | 0.074 [0.057, 0.091] | −0.003 [−0.006, −0.000] (0.028) | 0.026 | 0.723 | 80% |
19 | AG | IDMs | Nonsedentary [minutes] | 271.4 [200.6, 342.2] | −12.88 [−22.23, −3.530] (0.010) | 0.023 | 0.809 | 70% |
20 | AG | IDMs | Sedentary [minutes] | 1169 [1098, 1239] | 12.88 [3.530, 22.23] (0.010) | 0.023 | 0.809 | 25% |
21 | M | VDMs | Total steps | 1871 [1137, 2605] | −57.79 [−89.26, −26.32] (0.001) | 0.003 | 0.836 | 80% |
22 | M | VDMs | Steps recorded/minute - 95th perc. | 25.92 [21.19, 30.65] | −0.533 [−1.015, −0.052] (0.032) | 0.005 | 0.734 | 40% |
23 | M | VDMs | Steps recorded/minute - mean | 9.170 [7.050, 11.29] | −0.149 [−0.265, −0.034] (0.015) | 0.003 | 0.858 | 45% |
24 | M | VDMs | Steps recorded/minute - median | 6.793 [4.566, 9.020] | −0.081 [−0.183, 0.020] (0.110) | 0.001 | 0.845 | 30% |
25 | M | VDMs | Percent time with 1-15 steps recorded/minute | 9.395 [7.334, 11.46] | −0.187 [−0.315, −0.060] (0.006) | 0.004 | 0.731 | 55% |
26 | M | VDMs | Percent time with 16-40 steps recorded/minute | 2.743 [1.451, 4.036] | −0.120 [−0.182, −0.057] (0.001) | 0.005 | 0.810 | 90% |
27 | M | VDMs | Percent time with 41+ steps recorded/minute | 0.293 [0.026, 0.560] | −0.001 [−0.012, 0.010] (0.863) | 0.000 | 0.754 | 70% |
28 | M | VDMs | Max 60 | 8.776 [5.947, 11.61] | −0.256 [−0.502, −0.009] (0.043) | 0.003 | 0.708 | 75% |
29 | M | VDMs | Max 20 | 14.89 [10.60, 19.18] | −0.424 [−0.904, 0.057] (0.081) | 0.003 | 0.669 | 65% |
30 | M | VDMs | Max 5 | 24.55 [18.98, 30.11] | −0.736 [−1.276, −0.195] (0.011) | 0.007 | 0.729 | 60% |
31 | M | VDMs | Max 1 | 35.56 [29.71, 41.41] | −0.785 [−1.374, −0.196] (0.012) | 0.007 | 0.793 | 40% |
32 | M | VDMs | Peak performance index | 23.21 [17.92, 28.49] | −0.593 [−1.017, −0.170] (0.009) | 0.005 | 0.810 | 50% |
AG ActiGraph device, CI estimate’s confidence interval obtained from LMM estimation, est. estimate obtained from LMM estimation, IDMs investigator-derived daily measures, M Modus device, Max (60,20,5,1) – maximum consecutive cadence during (60,20,5,1) minutes, Mod. no. model number: ordering index of a LMM fit, assigned to a particular daily measure, MVPA moderate and vigorous physical activity, PPI mean cadence of the day’s most intensive, noncontiguous 30 minutes, R2c LMM conditional coefficient of determination, R2m LMM marginal coefficient of determination; VDMs vendor-provided daily measures; % with 6 m rel. change > =10% -- the percentage of participants for whom LMM-fit conditional means changed ≥ 10% from baseline and in the same direction as the population-level change over 6 months.