Figure 2. Group differences in functional connectivity (FC; A and B), structural (S; C and D), and multimodal (S+FC; E and F) brain age in the analysis sets.
Comparisons are presented between cognitively normal (Clinical Dementia Rating [CDR] = 0) biomarker-negative controls (CN/A−; blue) vs. CN/A+ (green) vs. cognitively impaired participants (CI, red). Scatterplots (A, C, and E) show predicted vs. true age for each group. Colored lines and shaded areas represent group-specific regression lines and 95% confidence regions. Dashed black lines represent perfect prediction. Violin plots (B, D, and F) show residual FC-brain age gap (BAG; controlling for true age) in each group. p values are reported from pairwise independent-samples t tests.