Figure 5.
Comparison of mAb binding to RBD
(A and B) Front and back views of Mabscape antibody maps from early-pandemic, Beta, BA.1, and BA.2 antibody panels. Early pandemic all represents the full set of antibodies, irrespective of neutralization potency, and all other panels show potent mAbs (IC50 < 100 ng/mL). The RBDs are shown surface rendered (gray) with the ACE2 footprint in green.
(C and D) Heatmaps of surface occupation of RBD by early-pandemic, Beta, BA.1, and BA.2 antibody panels by iron heat colors (black > blue > red > orange > yellow > white hot) according to the relative level of antibody contact, calculated for each surface vertex as the number of antibodies within a 10 Å radius. BA.1 mutations are shown by the spikes. Only the early-pandemic-all panels and the sub-variant substitutions discussed here are shown mapped onto BA.2. Early-pandemic, Beta, and BA.1 data are taken from Dejnirattisai et al.,4 Nutalai et al.,13 Liu et al.14
See also Figure S1.