Figure 7.
Serum neutralization IC50 titers (fold dilution) of lentivirus pseudotyped with the S gene of the indicated BA.2 sub-lineages
(A and B) Serum obtained 28 days following the third dose of BNT162b2 vaccine (n = 15) or following infection with (B) BA.1 (n = 10 all vaccinated) taken 28–55 days following diagnosis median 41.5.
(C and D) BA.2 (n = 23 all vaccinated) taken 12–43 days following diagnosis median 29 or (D) BA.4/5 (n = 11 all but one vaccinated) taken 23–48 days following diagnosis median 38 days. Geometric mean titers are shown above each column. The single unvaccinated serum shows the lowest reactivity to BA.4/5 in (D). The Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank test (C and D) and Mann-Whitney test were used and two-tailed p values calculated. Data for BNT162b2-vaccinated sera and BA.1 infection sera against Victoria, BA.1, BA.1.1, BA.2, BA.4/5, BA.4.6, BA.2.75, and BA.2.12.1 previously reported are included for comparison.23,24,27,28 All assays have been done with the number of biological replicates indicated in the brackets.