Fig. 6.
Comparative effectiveness in ixekizumab versus ustekinumab cohorts across subgroups of patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis. Comparative adjusted analysis of primary (sPGA (0/1) and/or PASI90) and secondary outcomes, PASI100 and PASI90, actual responses rates, and adjusted odds ratios at week 12 for ixekizumab cohort and ustekinumab cohort across patient subgroups. Data are non-responder imputation. Results are statistically significant if 1 is not covered by the 95% CI for the odds ratios. For BMI > 30 subcategory, lower CI is 1.033 (primary) and 1.024 (PASI100). Where statistical models were unviable because of low patient numbers, results are marked as not applicable (NA). Where statistical models did not converge, results are marked as non-convergence (NC). BMI body mass index, CI confidence interval, IXE ixekizumab, NA not applicable, NC non-convergence, PASI Psoriasis Area and Severity Index, PsA psoriatic arthritis, sPGA Static Physician Global Assessment, UST ustekinumab