Figure 3.
Predictability of phage-host interactions based on bacterial capsular type
(A) Sensitivity or true positive rate (TPR) of different host traits to predict positive spot tests for non-S8/S9 phages and phages from groups S8/S9. Three independent calculations were performed. Bars represent the standard error (n = 3). Asterisks represent the mean TPR values obtained with randomized data (null expectation). CLT, capsular locus type; OLT, O-antigen locus type; ST, sequence type. Other: presence of 45 secondary receptors (pooled).
(B) Dpo activity of halo-producing non-S8/S9 phages and non-halo-producing S8/S9 phages relative to non-inoculated controls. Each point represents the mean activity of two biological replicates of a given phage-bacterium combination. Four technical replicates were performed, and the median obtained. Asterisks indicate statistical significance (t test: p < 0.001).
(C) Predicted architecture of TSPs for non-S8/S9 phages with or without Dpos. The primary TSP is attached via an N-terminal anchor and the secondary TSP via a conserved short peptide. Top: podoviruses. Bottom: sipho- and myoviruses. Only one TSP copy is shown for simplicity.