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. 2023 Mar 6;5(3):e0855. doi: 10.1097/CCE.0000000000000855


Baseline Characteristics of Patients Intubated With Macintosh Size Three Versus Size Four

Patient Characteristics Before IPW p After IPW p
Mac 3 Mac 4 Mac 3 Mac 4
Number of Pts 222 362
Age 59.0 (47.0–67.0) 59.0 (46.3–68.0) 0.91 57.6 (46.6–68.4) 56.8 (46.0–67.2) 0.52
Weight (kg)a 71.7 (60.8–86.2) 83.0 (71.2–98.9) 0.00 83.1 (64.2–94.6) 83.1 (66.0–97.5) 0.99
Height (cm)a 168.8 (160.0–175.3) 173 (166.9–180.3) 0.00 171.5 (162.6–177.8) 171.5 (164.8–180.1) 0.83
Body mass indexa 26.1 (22.0–30.7) 27.2 (23.8–32.8) 0.01 28.6 (23.4–31.9) 28.1 (22.5–32.6) 0.5
Gender (male) 103 (46%) 230 (64%) 0.00 59% 59% 0.89
Whitea 153 (69%) 267 (74%) 0.24 72% 71% 0.77
Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II 21.0 (16.0–27.0) 22.0 (16.0–27.0) 0.92 22.1 (15.3–26.3) 22.3 (15.4–26.8) 0.8
Reason for intubation:
 Hypoxemia 102 (46%) 158 (44%) 0.64 45.3% 48.4% 0.47
 Hypoxemia and hypercapnia 22 (10%) 50 (14%) 0.21 15.2% 12.2% 0.3
 Airway compromise 12 (5%) 13 (4%) 0.40 3.4% 3.8% 0.78
Any difficult airway characteristicsa 96 (43%) 174 (48%) 0.29 50.0% 48.8% 0.77
Limited neck mobility 6 (3%) 8 (2%) 0.92 1.9% 2.5% 0.66
Limited mouth opening 4 (2%) 11 (3%) 0.52 2.8 (1.3%) 2.3% 0.36
Methods of preoxygenation
 Bag-mask ventilation 54 (24%) 85 (23%) 0.89 26.6% 26.5% 0.97
 Noninvasive ventilation 43 (19%) 96 (27%) 0.06 20.3% 23.7% 0.34
 High-flow nasal cannula 21 (9%) 29 (8%) 0.65 17.3 (7.8%) 8.1% 0.88
 Nonrebreather 95 (43%) 134 (37%) 0.19 41.3% 37.1% 0.31
Baseline saturationa 100.0 (96.0–100.0) 99.0 (95.0–100.0) 0.08 96.9 (95.5–99.8) 96.8 (95.0–99.5) 0.95
Baseline SBPa 121.9 (106.0–138.0) 122.1 (107.3–138.0) 0.71 126.2 (105.9–139.3) 125.8 (106.4–139.7) 0.86
Any neuromuscular blockade 209 (94%) 352 (97%) 0.1 96.7% 97.0% 0.81

IPW = inverse probability weighting, Mac 3 = Macintosh size 3 blade, Mac 4 = Macintosh size 4 blade, SBP = systolic blood pressure.


Imputation method used for missing values.

See Text for details of all difficult airway characteristics.

Interquartile range or percentage of the total.