Representative images of root hairs hosting infection threads from WT and
rpg-1 transgenic roots expressing GFP-SYMTUB at 4–8 dpi with
S. meliloti-mCherry. A nuclear-localized tandem mCherry was used as a transformation marker. The tick and the cross symbols in white in the upper left side of each image indicate the presence or absence of a microtubule-mediated physical connection between the nucleus (
n) and the infection thread (IT) tip (white arrow). White asterisks denote IT tips with the tilted direction of growth in
rpg-1 infected root hairs. The dashed white lines indicate the tip-to-nucleus distance, whose value is reported in microns (μm) at the bottom right side of each image. Images are merges of maximum intensity projections of GFP (green) and mCherry (magenta) channels after deconvolution of the corresponding stack series using the Huygens Professional software (Scientific Volume Imaging, The Netherlands). The first two images of the upper and lower panel are the same presented in
Figure 5A. Scale bar = 10 um.