a–d, Representative image of 3D
reconstructed P2Y12+
microglia expressing phagocytic markers Ctsb (a,b) and
Grn (c,d)
assessed by smFISH-IHC in 6-month WT, Spp1KO/KO,
AppNL-F and AppNL-F·Spp1KO/KO SLM. Scale
bar represents 7 µm. Quantification of Ctsb (b) and Grn
(d) mRNA levels expression
within P2Y12+ microglia. One
datapoint represents one individual
P2Y12+ microglia with a
total of 18 microglia (b) and
18 (WT, Spp1KO/KO), 17 (AppNL-F)
and 15 (AppNL-F·Spp1KO/KO) microglia
(d) pooled from n = 3 mice per
genotype examined over two independent experiments. P values from one-way ANOVA,
Kruskal–Wallis test. e,
Representative 3D reconstructed images showing Homer1 engulfment
within CD68+ lysosomes of
P2Y12+ microglia in
6-month AppNL-F versus
AppNL-F·Spp1KO/KO SLM. Scale
bar represents 7 µm. f, Quantification of Homer1 engulfment ratio in
P2Y12+ microglia of WT
versus Spp1KO/KO versus AppNL-F
versus AppNL-F·Spp1KO/KO mice. One
datapoint represents one individual
P2Y12+ microglia with a
total of 23 (WT, AppNL-F), 24
(Spp1KO/KO) and 25 (AppNL-F·Spp1KO/KO) microglia
pooled from n = 3 mice per genotype examined
over two independent experiments. P values from one-way ANOVA,
Kruskal–Wallis. g,
Representative super-resolution images of Homer1 and Bassoon
puncta colocalization in 6-month WT, Spp1KO/KO, AppNL-F and AppNL-F·Spp1KO/KO SLM. Scale
bar represents 5 µm. h, Quantification of Homer1/Bassoon
colocalization density normalized to WT or Spp1KO/KO
accordingly. One datapoint represents the average of one animal
(3–5 ROIs per animal) with a total of n = 4 animals per
genotype. P < 0.0066 (WT) and 0.0831
(Spp1KO/KO) from two-way ANOVA,
Bonferroni’s multiple comparison test. Data are shown as
mean ± s.e.m.