Extended Data Fig. 8. Retrograde labeling of CStr neurons reveals distinct cortical dynamics.
(a) Visual sign maps from retinotopic mapping experiments. CStr neurons responded to visual stimulation and reveal comparable retinotopic organization as other PyN types. (b) Number of sNMF components, accounting for 99% of cortical variance in EMX and CStr mice, dots represent individual sessions. CStr neurons required less components as EMX and IT but more components as PT neurons (compare with Fig. 2a). (c) UMAP embedding of spatial sNMF components for EMX (red), IT (green), PT (blue) and CSt (black) mice. Dots show individual spatial components. CStr components were clearly distinct from other PyN types. (d) Cross-validated choice-decoder accuracy. Results are shown for EMX (red) and CStr mice (black). Decoder accuracy continuously increased throughout the trial for all PyN types. Dashed line indicates time of response, gray area is the stimulus period.