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. 2023 Jan 23;26(3):495–505. doi: 10.1038/s41593-022-01245-9

Extended Data Fig. 9. Infragranular CStr neurons are tuned to contralateral choices.

Extended Data Fig. 9

(a) Left: Overview of significantly choice-tuned neurons in deeper layers (400–600 μm) of ALM (top) and MM (bottom). Orange line: CStr neurons, labeled by tdTomato. Gray lines: unlabeled PyNs. AUC values below 0.5 indicate stronger responses for ipsilateral choices. Right: Trial-averaged activity for all choice-selective neurons, separated for ipsi- (red) versus contralateral choices (blue). Both CStr and unlabeled neurons show strong contralateral choice tuning with no clear difference between PyN-types (p < 1 × 10−10 for all conditions). This suggest that ipsilateral choice tuning is limited to IT-CStr neurons in superficial layers of ALM. (b) Fraction of cells responding selectively for ipsi- (red) versus contralateral choices (blue) in ALM and MM. CStr and unlabeled neurons in both show similar contralateral choice tuning. (ALM: nCStr = 177 cells, nUnlabeled = 1190 cells; MM: nCStr = 287 cells, nUnlabeled = 2620 cells). (c) To differentiate somatic versus neuropil choice signals, we quantified ipsi- and contralateral choice tuning for neuropil ROIs. Each neuropil ROI represents the background fluorescence that surrounded a given somatic ROI. Conventions as in a). (d) Fraction of neuropil ROIs responding selectively for ipsi- versus contralateral choices. Conventions as in (b). Neuropil ROIs were equally tuned to ipsi- and contralateral choices in superficial ALM layers (p = 0.14) but otherwise showed contralateral choice-specificity (p < 1 × 10−10 for other conditions), generally recapitulating choice-specificity from unlabeled neurons. The symmetry found in neuropil choice tuning might explain the bilateral ALM activation observed with IT-specific widefield imaging (Fig. 3c), suggesting that IT-specific widefield signals are comprised of somatic and neuropil activity in the superficial cortex. In contrast, the stronger choice-selectivity in EMX- and PT-specific widefield imaging, suggests that these signals may emerge from infragranular neural activity . (ALM: nCStr = 177 cells, nUnlabeled = 1190 cells; MM: nCStr = 287 cells, nUnlabeled = 2620 cells). Data are presented as mean +/− 95% confidence intervals. Stars indicate bonferroni-corrected p < 0.01, all tests are two-sided binomial test.