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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2024 Mar 1.
Published in final edited form as: CA Cancer J Clin. 2022 Oct 28;73(2):164–197. doi: 10.3322/caac.21758

Table 5.

Radiation Deintensification Trials: Upfront Radiation Dose Reduction

Study Treatment Arms Outcomes Toxicities
NRG-HN002 17 Reduced dose def CRT Null hypothesis 2 yr PFS ≤85%: Higher acute toxicity with CRT.
(Phase II, randomized) (60Gy IMRT + LD cis 40 mg/m2 × 6c, n=157): - CRT 90.5% [84.5–94.7], p=0.0350, rejecting null hypothesis Acute Grade 3–4 (p<0.001): 79.6% vs. 52.4%
p16+ OPC. VS. - AFRT 87.6% [81.1–92.5], p=NS, failing to reject null hypothesis Late Grade 3–4 toxicit (p=NS): 21.3% vs. 18.1%
AJCC7 T1–2 N1–2b, T3 N0–2b. AFRT alone (60Gy/5 wks IMRT, n=149): 2 yr LRF (p=0.02): 3.3% vs. 9.5%, HR 2.56 [1.11–5.88]
<10 PYSH. 19.9% Unilateral RT. 80.1% Bilateral RT. 2 yr DM (p=0.58): 4.0% vs. 2.1%, HR 0.70 [0.20–2.50]
Median FU = 2.6 years 2 yr OS (p=0.93): 96.7% vs. 97.3%, HR 1.05 [0.34–3.23]
UNC/UF 8283 Reduced def CRT for all (n=114): 2 yr PFS: 86% [77.5–91.3] Acute ≥ Grade 3 toxicity:
(Phase II) 60Gy RT + LD cis 30 mg/m2 wkly 2 yr LRC: 95% [88.6–97.9] - 2% xerostomia
p16+ OPC. No chemo for T0-T2 N0–1. 2 yr DMFS: 91% [83.9–95.4] - 34% mucositis
AJCC7 T0–3 N0–2C and ≤10 PYSH 2 yr OS: 95% [89.3–98.1] - 21% dysphagia
or > 5 yrs smoking abstinence. Median FU = 31.8 months - 4 local failures, half in T2N0–1 treated without chemo. - 38/113 (33%) patients required peg
LCCC1612 84 Reduced def CRT for all 1 yr PFS was comparable: 92% IMPT, 93% IMRT More short-term pegs with IMRT: 8% vs. 39%
(Phase II). 60Gy RT + LD cis 30 mg/m2 wkly
p16+ OPC. IMPT (n=25) vs. IMRT (n=46) IMPT patients had better patient-report QOL and swallowing symptom scores than IMRT.
AJCC7 T0–3 N0–2C and ≤10 PYSH No chemo for T0–2 N0–1.
or > 5 yrs smoking abstinence. Median FU = not reported
If ≥10 PYSH: only wild-type p53 eligible.
PacCIS 85 SOC def CRT 70.6Gy + cis/5FU p16+ OPC subset analysis: Grade ≥3 acute dysphagia:
(Phase III) (n= 105 total; 19 p16+ OPC) 3yr PFS (p=0.653): 83.9% SOC VS. 84.6% 63Gy 77.1% SOC, 81.1% 63Gy
Reduced def CRT 63Gy + cis/pacl 3yr OS (p=0.76): 83.5% SOC VS. 92.3% 63Gy Grade ≥3 acute functional mucositis:
(n= 111 total; 13 p16+ OPC) 64.2% SOC, 59.4% 63Gy
Median FU = 3.7 yrs
NRG-HN005 SOC def CRT (70Gy+HD cis × 2c) Ongoing, not reported Ongoing, not reported
(Phase II/III) VS.
p16+ OPC. Reduced def CRT (60Gy+HD cis × 2c)
AJCC7 T1–2 N1–2B, T3 N0–2B. VS.
<10 PYSH. Reduced dose def RT + IO (60Gy+nivolumab)
PROTEcT / NCT04104945 Reduced def CRT 60Gy + chemo Ongoing, not reported Ongoing, not reported
p16+ OPC. Chemo options: HD cis, LD cis 40 mg/m2, cetux
AJCC8 T1–3 N1–2. Omission of IB from ENI volume.

5FU=5-fluorouracil, AFRT= altered fractionation radiation therapy, AJCC7=American Joint Committee on Cancer 7th Edition, AJCC8=American Joint Committee on Cancer 8th Edition, c=cycle, cetux=cetuximab, chemo=chemotherapy, cis=cisplatin, CRT=chemoradiation therapy, def=definitive, DM=distant metastasis, DMFS=distant-metastasis free survival, FU=follow-up, fxs= fractions, Gy=gray, HD=high-dose, HNC=head and neck cancer, HR=hazard ratio, IMPT=intensity-modulated proton therapy, IMRT=intensity-modulated radiation therapy, IO=immunotherapy, LD=low-dose, LRF= locoregional failure, NS=not significant, OPC= oropharyngeal cancer, OS=overall survival, peg=percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy, PFS=progression-free survival, PYSH=pack-year smoking history, QOL=quality of life, RT=radiation therapy, SOC=standard of care, wk=week, wkly=weekly, yr=year.