Locomotor activity was monitored in Pdf-null mutants (yw ; Pdf01) and in flies expressing a wild-type copy of Pdf (genomic rescue, yw ; Pdf{WT} ; Pdf01) subjected to (A-B) 12:12 LD at 25°C, (C-D) 12:12 LD at 10°C, or (E-F) 8:16 LD at 25°C. (G) Variance in locomotor activity under these environmental conditions as tSNE of the normalized locomotor activity for Rescue (Resc) and the mutant (Pdf01). Each dot represents an individual fly. (H) Hierarchical clustering of the normalized locomotor activity. Arbitrary cut of the tree at 0.8 (y-axis) generates two distinct groups denotated as black and red labels. White boxes represent lights-on while black boxes represent lights-off in panels A-F. Data were analyzed using a two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni’s multiple comparison test. Number of flies used were yw ; Pdf{WT} ; Pdf01 12:12 25°C n = 56, yw ; Pdf{WT} ; Pdf01 8:16 25°C n = 30, yw ; Pdf{WT} ; Pdf01 12:12 10°C n = 30, yw ; ; Pdf01 12:12 25°C n = 55, yw ; ; Pdf01 8:16 25°C n = 31, yw ; ; Pdf01 12:12 10°C n = 32.