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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2024 Feb 27.
Published in final edited form as: Curr Biol. 2023 Jan 27;33(4):675–687.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2023.01.006

Key resources table

Mouse monoclonal anti-PDF (clone C7-C) Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank RRID: AB_760350 and AB_2315084
Mouse monoclonal anti-EYA (clone 10H6) Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank RRID: AB_528232
Mouse monoclonal anti-BRP (nc82) Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank RRID: AB_2314866
Chicken Polyclonal anti-GFP Invitrogen Cat#A10262; RRID: AB_2534023
Sheep anti-mouse IgG-HRP GE Healthcare Cat#NA931; RRID: AB_772210
Mouse monoclonal anti-V5 Thermo Fisher Scientific Car#R960-25; RRID: AB_2556564
Mouse monoclonal anti-FLAG M2 Sigma-Aldrich Cat# F3165; RRID: AB_259529
Goat Anti-mouse IgG Alexa647 Cell Signaling Cat#4410; RRID: AB_1904023
Goat Anti-chicken IgG Alexa488 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#A-11039; RRID: AB_2534096
Bacterial and virus strains
Biological samples
Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins
Schneider’s Drosophila Medium Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#21720-024
Fetal Bovine Serum VWR Cat# 97068-085
Penicillin/streptomycin Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#15-140-148
Trypsin/EDTA Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#25300-062
TRI regent Sigma-Aldrich Cat#T9424
Aprotinin Sigma-Aldrich Cat#A1153
Leupeptin Sigma-Aldrich Cat#L2884
Pepstatin A Sigma-Aldrich Cat#P5318
SIGMAFAST Protease Inhibitor Cocktail, EDTA-FREE Sigma-Aldrich Cat#S8830
ANTI-FLAG M2 Affinity Gel Sigma-Aldrich Cat#A2220
PhosSTOP Sigma-Aldrich Cat#4906845001
Normal Goat Serum Jackson Immunoresearch Cat#005-000-121
λ-Phosphatase NEB Cat#P0753S
SsoAdvanced SYBR green supermix Bio-Rad Cat#1725270
PBS 10X Rnase free Invitrogen Cat#AM9624
Nuclease-free water Invitrogen Cat#AM9932
Acetic Acid Fisher Cat#A38S-500
Sodium borohydride (99%) Fisher Cat#AC448481000
SSC (20X) Fisher Cat#AM9763
Hi-Di Formamide Fisher Cat#4311320
Triton X-100 nuclease-free Fisher Cat#AC327371000
Formamide (deionized) Invitrogen Cat#AM9342
Denhard’s solution Fisher Cat#AAJ63135AD
tRNA from baker’s yeast Roche Cat#10109495001
SDS 10% Corning Cat# 46-040-CI
UltraPure Salmon Sperm DNA Solution Fisher Cat# 15632011
4% PFA EMS Cat#157-4
Rnase AWAY Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#7002PK
Ethanol (200 Proof) Fisher Cat#BP2818500
Critical commercial assays
Superscript IV Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#18091050
Effectene Transfection Reagents QIAGEN Cat#301425
Pierce Coomassie Plus Assay Reagents Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#1856210
Deposited data
Experimental models: Cell lines
D. melanogaster: Cell line S2: S2-DRSC Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#R69007
Experimental models: Fly lines
D. melanogaster: w; Pdf-Gal4 Park et al. 53 N/A
D. melanogaster: w; UAS-mCD8::GFP Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center #32184
D. melanogaster: yw; ; Pdf01 Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center #26654
D. melanogaster: yw; Pdf-RescueB ; Pdf01 Renn et al. 46 N/A
D. melanogaster: yw Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center #1495
D. melanogaster: w; ; eya-Gal4 Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center #49292
D. melanogaster: w; UAS-Pdfr-RNAi Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center #38347
D. melanogaster: w; UAS-t-PDF Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center #81111
D. melanogaster: w; UAS-t-SCR Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center #81113
D. melanogaster: w; UAS-eya-RNAi Vienna Drosophila Resource Center #108071
D. melanogaster: w; per-AID-GFP Chen et al.61 #108071
D. melanogaster: w; UAS-eya-RNAi Vienna Drosophila Resource Center #108071
D. melanogaster: Pdfr-Gal4 , w Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center #33070
D. melanogaster: w ; dilp2-Gal4 / Cyo Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center #37516
Primers for eya, see Methods details This paper N/A
Primers for cbp20, see Methods details This paper N/A
Library for Pdf detection, see Table S1 Long et al.82 N/A
Recombinant DNA
Plasmid: pMT-V5 Thermo Fisher Cat#V412020
Plasmid: pMT-PKA-C1-V5 This Paper N/A
Plasmid: pAc-eya-3XFLAG-6XHis Abrieux et al.24 N/A
Software and algorithms
Fiji ImageJ (used for analysis of immunofluorescence microscopy images) NIH Image
GraphPad Prism 8 for Mac OS X GraphPad Software
Excel Microsoft Version 16.67
R R Core Team Version 4.0.3
RStudio PBC Version 2022.07.2
CircaCompare Parsons et al.55 Release 0.1.1
RAIN Thaben & Westermark56 Release 3.16