Figure 4.
Using MFCSC to detect bilateral pairs where FC asymmetry is indicative of the direction and extent of functional hemispheric dominance. (A) Pairs that had leftward FC asymmetry, i.e. FC[L] > FC[R] (p < 0.00006; Bonferroni corrected with alpha set to 0.05), with colour intensity indicating FC strength, and other conventions as in Fig. 3. (B) Excluding connections with mFCSC[L] ≠ mFCSC[R] (connections to exclude correspond to the top row of Fig. 3, which is reproduced within the rectangle). (C) The subset of the pairs in panel A where left and right unilateral connections probably share the same brain function (as mFCSC is not different between hemispheres). In these pairs, FC asymmetry is a good indicator for the direction and magnitude of functional hemispheric dominance. (D–F) Same conventions as (A–C), but for the analysis of pairs that had rightward FC asymmetry.