Fig. 5.
Outline of glycogen and folate biosynthesis pathways, and oligosaccharide utilization pathways in W. cibaria YRK005 and W. confusa CCK931. (A) Glycogen biosynthesis pathways. The presence of the enzyme in W. confusa is indicated in red, whereas green indicates that the enzyme is present in W. cibaria. Enzymes not observed are represented by colorless boxes. The Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) was used to create the pathway. The light grey arrow shows the process of making glycogen, while the light purple arrow shows the process of breaking down glycogen. Dotted arrows represent multi steps in the pathway. Pgm- phosphoglucomutase; Amy-α, amylase. (B) Folate biosynthesis pathways in W. cibaria YRK005 and W. confusa CCK931. (C) Oligosaccharide utilization pathways and the information on relevant carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes) predicted in W. cibaria YRK005 and W. confusa CCK931