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. 2023 Mar 1;20(3):397–405. doi: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.202206-487OC

Table 7.

Risk of laterality defect within each genotype in those with two loss-of-function mutations compared to those with one or more not–loss-of-function mutations

Genotype Laterality OR 95% CI
DNAH5 SIT + SA 1.23 0.63–2.41
SIT 1.68 0.88–3.20
SA 0.55 0.23–1.32
CCDC39/CCDC40 SIT + SA 1.07 0.30–3.84
SIT 1.11 0.30–4.16
SA 0.91 0.10–8.36
DNAH11 SIT + SA 1.93 0.57–6.52
SIT 1.95 0.58–6.58
SA 0.95 0.12–7.44

Definition of abbreviations: CCDC39 = coiled-coil domain containing 39; CCDC40 = coiled-coil domain containing 40; DNAH5 = dynein axonemal heavy chain 5; DNAH11 = dynein axonemal heavy chain 11; CI = confidence interval; OR = odds ratio; SA = situs ambiguus; SIT = situs inversus totalis.