Figure 7. KIF5C(1–560)-Δ6 induces more microtubule damage than KIF5C(1–560)-WT.
(A–C) GDP-tubulin microtubules (A, GDP MTs), GMPCPP-tubulin microtubules (B, GMPCPP MTs), or Taxol-stabilized microtubules (C, Taxol MTs) were incubated on grids with no motor or with purified Halo-FLAG-tagged KIF5C(1–560)-WT or KIF5C(1–560)-Δ6 motors for 5 min before blotting and staining with uranyl formate. Yellow brackets indicate breaks or cracks in the lattice. See also Figure S7B.
(D) Quantification of the number of breaks or cracks per μm of microtubule. GDP MTs, n = 26 breaks across 45 MTs for WT and 39 breaks across 30 MTs for Δ6; GMPCPP MTs, n = 21 breaks across 55 MTs for WT and 70 breaks across 128 MTs for Δ6; Taxol MTs, n = 5 breaks across 29 MTs for WT and 14 breaks across 77 MTs for Δ6. Scale bars, 100 nm.