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. 2023 Mar 8;15(1):e12395. doi: 10.1002/dad2.12395


Characteristics of studies included in the systematic review

Study (year) n 1 Year sampled Follow‐up period, year Country Study design Lipid measured Outcome (effect measure) Risk estimate Diagnostic criteria Mean (SD) age at baseline Age range (baseline) Female (%) Covariates adjusted for in analysis
Gong (2021) 27 273,262 2006‐2010 11.8a United Kingdom Prospective cohort study TC, LDL, HDL Incident dementia HR ICD‐10 codes via medical records, death registry 56·3 (8 0) 2 ·· 100·0 Age, BMI, CVA, diabetes, drugs b, c SBP, SES, smoking
Gong (2021) 27 228,964 2006‐2010 11·7a United Kingdom Prospective cohort study TC, LDL, HDL Incident dementia HR ICD10 codes via medical records, death registry 56·7 (8·2) 2 ·· 0·0 Age, BMI, CVA, diabetes, drugs b, c, SBP, SES, smoking
Iwagami (2021) 2 8 636,262 1992‐2009


(4·6, 10·4)

United Kingdom Retrospective cohort study TC, LDL, HDL, TG Incident dementia HR Medical codes via general practice records (CPRD GOLD) 52·0 (7·2) ·· 49·9 Age, BMI, country, CVA, CVD, diabetes, drugs b, c, d, ethnicity, EtOH, SES, sex, smoking, AF, COPD
Liang (2020) 19 744 1972‐1987 21·2* Finland Prospective cohort study TC Incident dementia HR DSM‐IV criteria via MMSE 50·4 (6·0) 40‐64 62·1 Age, APOE genotype, BMI, BP, CVD, death, diabetes, education, glucose level, physical activity, sex, smoking
Sabia (2019) 29 7899 1985‐1988 24·7a
(19·1, 29·3) United Kingdom Prospective cohort study TC Incident dementia HR ICD10 codes via medical records 50·4 (2·3) 45‐55 32·4 Age, CVD, ethnicity, education, marital status, SES, sex,
Svensson (2019) 22 1106 1990 ·· Japan Prospective cohort study TC, LDL, HDL, TG Incident dementia, MCI OR DSM‐IV criteria via MMSE, WMS‐R, CDT, CDR scale 54·3 (5·5) ·· 63·1 Age, BMI, diabetes, drugs b, education, EtOH, HTN, sex, smoking
Vu (2019) 21 10,119 1967‐1973 ·· United States Prospective cohort study TC Incident dementia HR ICD9 codes via Medicare claims 35·3 (5·5) 23‐47 32·4 Age, death, education, ethnicity, No. of medical visits prior to diagnosis, sex
Toro (2014) 30 222 1993‐1995 14 a Germany Prospective cohort study TC Incident dementia, MCI OR DSM‐III via clinical assessment 62·4 60‐64 46·8 APOE genotype, BMI, diabetes, education, HTN, SES, sex
Exalto (2014) 34 9480 1964‐1973 36·1 (4·3)* United States Retrospective cohort study TC Incident dementia HR ICD9 codes via medical records 46·1 (4·3) 40‐55 55·1 Age, BMI, education, depressed mood, diabetes, head trauma, lung function, obesity, SBP, sex, smoking
Rönnemaa (2011) 42 2268 1970 29* Sweden Prospective cohort study TC Incident dementia, AD, VD, FTLD HR DSM‐IV criteria via medical records 49·6 (0·6) ·· 0·0 Age, education
Solomon (2009) 45 9844 1964‐1973 ·· United States Retrospective cohort study TC Incident AD HR ICD9 codes via medical records 42·4 (1·7) 40‐45 54·1 Age, BMI, CVA (late‐life), diabetes, education, ethnicity, HTN, sex
Mielke (2010) 44 648 1968‐1969 32* Sweden Prospective cohort study TC Incident dementia, AD HR DSM‐III criteria via medical records 46·8 2 38‐60 100·0 Age, BMI, DBP, education
Whitmer (2005) 18 8845 1964‐1973 26·7* United States Retrospective cohort study TC Incident dementia HR ICD9 codes via medical records 42·0 (1·4) 40‐44 53·7 Age, ethnicity, education, sex
Rosengren (2005) 43 7402 1970‐1973 23* Sweden Prospective cohort study TC Incident dementia HR ICD 8/9 codes via hospital records/death registry 51·5 (2·3) 47‐55 0·0 Age
Kivipelto (2005) 35 1409 1972‐1987 21·0 (4·9)* Finland Prospective cohort study TC Incident AD OR DSM‐IV criteria via MMSE 50·6 (6·0) 40‐64 62·1 Age, sex, education, BMI, SBP, follow‐up duration
Kivipelto (2001) 36 1400 1972‐1987 20·9 (4·9)* Finland Prospective cohort study TC Incident dementia OR DSM‐IV criteria via MMSE 50·4 (6·0) 40‐64 62·1 Age, BMI, CVA, CVD, education, EtOH, smoking
Kivipelto (2001) 20 1352 1972‐1987 21·0 (4·9)* Finland Prospective cohort study TC Incident MCI OR MCADRC criteria 50·4 (6·0) 40‐64 62·1 Age, BMI
Notkola (1998) 46 444 1959‐1974 30* Finland Prospective cohort study TC Incident AD OR DSM‐III‐R criteria ·· 40‐59 0·0 Age, APOE genotype

Number of participants from the original study who were eligible for analysis in the present review.


Due to data restrictions, values were based on the entire study sample rather than the eligible sub‐sample for our study.

*Follow‐up period in mean (SD) years; aFollow‐up period in median (IQR) years.

Drugs: b = lipid‐lowering, c = antihypertensive, d = hypoglycemic (antidiabetic).

Abbreviations: AD, Alzheimer's disease; APOE, apolipoprotein E ε4; AF, atrial fibrillation, BP, blood pressure; BMI, body‐mass index; CVD, cardiovascular disease; CVA, cerebrovascular accident/disease; COPD, chronic obstruction pulmonary disease; CDR, Clinical Dementia Rating; CPRD, Clinical Practice Research Datalink; CDT, clock drawing test; DSM, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; EtOH, alcohol use; FTLD, frontotemporal lobe dementia; HDL, high‐density lipoprotein; HR, hazard ratio; HTN, hypertension; ICD, International Classification of Diseases; LDL, low‐density lipoprotein; OR, odds ratio; MCADRC, Mayo Clinic Alzheimer's Disease Research; MCI, mild cognitive impairment; MMSE, Mini‐Mental State Examination; RR, risk ratio; SES, socioeconomic status; SBP, systolic blood pressure; TC, total cholesterol; TG, triglyceride; VD, vascular dementia; WMS‐R, Wechsler Memory Scale‐Revised.