Figure S1.
RADAR system from E. coli P0304799.3, C. rodentium DBS100, and S. suis SS993 protect against phage infection, related to Figure 1
(A) Bacteria expressing WT RADAR system from E. coli P0304799.3, as well as the system with point mutations in rdrA (“A”) or rdrB (“B”), and a negative control that contains an empty vector, were grown on agar plates in room temperature. 10-fold serial dilutions of the phage lysate were dropped on the plates. Data represent PFU mL−1 for phages tested in this study. Each bar graph represents average of three replicates, with individual data points overlaid. The data for T2-infected WT are also presented in Figures 1E, 3H, and 4G.
(B and C) Bacteria expressing RADAR systems from C. rodentium DBS100 (B) and S. suis SS993 (C) and a negative control that contains an empty vector or a vector expressing GFP (as detailed in the STAR Methods section), were grown on agar plates in room temperature. 10-fold serial dilutions of the phage lysate were dropped on the plates. Data represent PFU mL−1 for phages tested in this study. Each bar graph represents average of three replicates, with individual data points overlaid.