Figure 1. FABPi significantly impair MM cell growth and induces apoptosis.
(A) Confocal overlay immunofluorescence images show FABP5 (red) expressed in cytoplasm of GFP+/Luc+ MM.1S cells. Nuclei identified with DAPI (blue), cells stained with secondary antibody alone (control) or primary plus secondary antibodies (FABP5 staining), scale bar = 200 µm. (B) Comparison of basal gene expression of FABP isoforms in 30 myeloma cell lines. Data extracted from the Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE; DepMap, Broad (2022): DepMap 22Q2 Public. figshare. dataset., filtered in excel, and graphs made in Graphpad PRISM (v7.04) using scatter dot plots (mean ± SEM). (C, D) MM cell numbers after being exposed to (C) BMS309403 and (D) SBFI-26 for 72 hr; 50 µM dose (~EC50) indicated by arrows. (E) GFP+/Luc+MM.1S cell numbers after treatment with inhibitors in combination (50 µM each). Vehicle vs BMS309403 (24 hr, *; 48 hr, ****; 72 hr, ****). Vehicle vs SBFI-26 (24 hr, *; 48 hr, ****; 72 hr, ****). Vehicle vs BMS309403 +SBFI-26 (24 hr, ***; 48 hr, ****; 72 hr, ****). BMS309403 vs BMS309403 +SBFI-26 (48 hr, **; 72 hr, ****). SBFI-26 vs BMS309403 +SBFI-26 (48 hr, **; 72 hr, ****). Two-way ANOVA analysis with Tukey’s multiple comparisons test analysis. (F) CellTiter-Glo analysis of human mesenchymal stem cells after treatment with BMS309403 or SBFI-26 for 72 hr. Data are mean ± SEM and represent averages or representative runs of at least three experimental repeats. One-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s multiple comparison test significance shown as *p<0.05. **p<0.01. ***p<0.001. ****p<0.0001. **** p<0.0001. Please see 8 supplements to Figure 1.