Extended Data Fig. 8 ∣. Analysis of adipose innervation and adrenergic signaling in CLSTN3β-deficient mice.
(a—c) Representative slices and maximum intensity projections (MIPs) of whole BAT lobe tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunostaining. Scale bar = 100 μm. a, 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) vs. 3% glyoxal fixation. b, 11-12 week-old male WT and AdC3KO mice housed at 22 °C. c, 5–6 week-old male control and ob/ob mice housed at 22 °C. ob/ob samples were imaged at the same laser power as control samples as well as at maximum laser power. Control vs. ob/ob comparison was performed as a positive control for differences in BAT TH immunostaining. d, Quantification of TH staining in WT vs. AdC3KO (n = 4, 4) and control vs. ob/ob (n = 3, 3) mice. (Left) One value reported per mouse, (right) one value reported per sub-volume (60 subvolumes per mouse). Western blot analysis of e, BAT from 11 week-old male WT and AdC3KO mice housed at 22 °C, f, BAT from 17-18 week-old male WT and CLSTN3β KO mice housed at 22 °C, g, BAT from 10-11 week-old male WT and AdC3KO mice housed at 4 °C for 4 days, h, iWAT from 10-11 week-old male WT and AdC3KO mice housed at 4 °C for 4 days, and i, BAT from 17-18 week-old male WT and CLSTN3β KO mice housed at 22 °C. j, Western blot analysis of conditioned media (CM) and whole cell lysates (WCL) from HEK293T cells transfected/treated with the indicated constructs/compounds. FSK = forskolin (5 μM). *These β-Actin blots are the same. Extended Data Fig. 8F, I are from the same experiment but were split up for presentation purposes. Bar plots show mean ± SEM. Each point represents a biological replicate. Violin plots show median (dashed) and quartiles (dotted). Two-sided ***P < 0.001 by ordinary one-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s multiple comparisons test (d).