Table 1.
A brief overview of bio-signals along with their frequency and amplitude range
Bio-signal | Descriptions | Frequency (Hz) | Voltage amplitude (V) |
Electroencephalogram (EEG) (Jurcak et al. 2007) | Electrical signal/activity of the brain | 0.5–100 | 0.005–10 |
Electrocardiogram (ECG) (Clifford, et al. 2006) | Electrical signal/activity of the heart | 0.05–250 | 0.01–5 |
Fetal electrocardiogram (fECG) (Sameni and Clifford 2010) | Electrical signal/activity of the fetal heart | 0.05–150 | 0.01–0.02 |
Vectorcardiogram (VCG) (Vozda and Cerny 2015) | Spatial and temporal cardiac electrical activities | - | - |
Electromyogram (EMG) (Reaz et al. 2006) | Electrical signal/activity in muscles in response to neural stimulation | 50–10,000 | 0.05–0.3 |
Electrooculogram (EOG) (López et al. 2020) | Electrical signal corresponding to the movement of the eye | 0.1–20 | 0.05–3.5 |
Electroretinogram (ERG) (Heckenlively and Arden 2006) | Electrical signal/activity of the retina in response to light stimulation | 5–35 | 0.005–1 |
Electrohysterogram (EHG) (Rabotti et al. 2008) | Uterine electrical activity | 0.1–3 | 0.1–1 |
Electrocorticogram (ECoG) (Nakasatp et al. 1994) | Electrical signal/activity of the cerebral cortex | 0.1–100 | 0.005–10 |
Electroneurogram (ENG) (Cogan 2008) | Electrical signal/activity of axons in peripheral nerves | 100–1000 | 0.005–10 |