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. 2023 Feb 23;4:1075866. doi: 10.3389/fpain.2023.1075866

Table 3.

Tracking the studies or keywords that showed the highest value in this metric. The value of closeness centrality, or closeness, determines the distance each vertex is from every other vertex.

Label Type Metric Value
Angiotensin II Triggers Peripheral Macrophage-to-Sensory Neuron Redox Crosstalk to Elicit Pain Study closeness 0.01494
Psychological processing in chronic pain: a neural systems approach Study closeness 0.014458
Immediate preoperative outcomes of pain neuroscience education for patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty: A case series Study closeness 0.013976
Influence of a periodized circuit training protocol on intermuscular adipose tissue of patients with knee osteoarthritis: protocol for a randomized controlled trial Study closeness 0.013976
Biopsychosocial Influence on Shoulder Pain: Influence of Genetic and Psychological Combinations on Twelve-Month Postoperative Pain and Disability Outcomes Study closeness 0.013494
Common Brain Mechanisms of Chronic Pain and Addiction Study closeness 0.01253
Assessing for unique immunomodulatory and neuroplastic profiles of physical activity subtypes: a focus on psychiatric disorders Study closeness 0.012048
Low- Versus High-Intensity Plyometric Exercise During Rehabilitation After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Study closeness 0.012048
A Mechanism-Based Approach to the Management of Osteoarthritis Pain Study closeness 0.011566
Disease-Related, Nondisease-Related, and Situational Catastrophizing in Sickle Cell Disease and Its Relationship With Pain Study closeness 0.011566
Mind-body therapies and control of inflammatory biology: A descriptive review Study closeness 0.011566
Pain, psychosocial tests, pain sensitization and laparoscopic pelvic surgery Study closeness 0.011566
Pilot study of inflammatory responses following a negative imaginal focus in persons with chronic pain: analysis by sex/gender Study closeness 0.011566
Biopsychosocial influence on shoulder pain: Rationale and protocol for a pre-clinical trial Study closeness 0.011084
Generalized Pain Sensitization and Endogenous Oxytocin in Individuals With Symptoms of Migraine: A Cross-Sectional Study Study closeness 0.011084
Inflammation-induced pain sensitization in men and women: does sex matter in experimental endotoxemia? Study closeness 0.011084
Mindfulness-based stress reduction in relation to quality of life, mood, symptoms of stress, and immune parameters in breast and prostate cancer outpatients Study closeness 0.011084
Pain Catastrophizing and Quality of Life in Adults With Chronic Rhinosinusitis Study closeness 0.011084
Painful After-Sensations in Fibromyalgia are Linked to Catastrophizing and Differences in Brain Response in the Medial Temporal Lobe Study closeness 0.011084
Benefits of Yoga on IL-6: Findings from a Randomized Controlled Trial of Yoga for Depression Study closeness 0.010602
Intensive virtual reality and robotic based upper limb training compared to usual care, and associated cortical reorganization, in the acute and early sub-acute periods post-stroke: a feasibility study Study closeness 0.010602
Self-help Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Improves Health-Related Quality of Life for Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients: A Randomized Controlled Effectiveness Trial Study closeness 0.010602
The effect of threat information on acquisition, extinction, and reinstatement of experimentally conditioned fear of movement-related pain Study closeness 0.010602
PAIN RESPONSES Topics closeness 0.183614
Yoga Efficacy Topics closeness 0.167711
Pain and Inflammation Topics closeness 0.141446
Yoga and Pain Response Topics closeness 0.109398
Rewriting Pain Topics closeness 0.076145
Yoga Cultural Topics closeness 0.064578
Complex Systems and Pain Topics closeness 0.014578