Figure 2.
Coverage of Indian medicinal plants in IMPPAT 2.0. (a) Top taxonomic families of Indian medicinal plants in IMPPAT 2.0. Note that only families with more than 50 Indian medicinal plants in the database are shown. (b) Classification of the Indian medicinal plants in IMPPAT 2.0 into major plant groups: Angiosperms (flowering plants), Gymnosperms (conifers and cycads), and Pteridophytes (ferns and fern allies). (c) Use of Indian medicinal plants in traditional Indian systems of medicine such as Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, Sowa-Rigpa, and Homeopathy. Note that a given Indian medicinal plant can be used in multiple systems of medicine. (d) Present category of the Indian medicinal plants in IMPPAT 2.0 according to conservation status based on the IUCN Red list of threatened species. LC, least concern; VU, vulnerable; NT, near threatened; EN, endangered; CR, critically endangered; and EW, extinct in the wild.