Expression analysis of mouse UBR1 and
functionally related genes in +/+ and
UBR1−/− mice. (A) Northern analysis of
skeletal muscle mRNAs encoding UBR1, other components of the N-end rule
pathway, and the UBR1 homologs UBR2 and UBR3. RNA was isolated from
skeletal muscle of control, 48-h fasted, or 24-h refed +/+ and
UBR1−/− mice. See Materials and Methods
and the legend to Fig. 4D for the fasting and refeeding protocols.
Northern blots were hybridized with 32P-labeled cDNA
probes specific for the following genes: UBR1
(nucleotides 555 to 888, accession no. AF061555; this probe was
specific for the deleted region in the
UBR1− allele); UBR2 (a
0.3-kb probe encompassing the region homologous to the one deleted in
the UBR1−/− allele; Y. T. Kwon and A.
Varshavsky, unpublished data); UBR3 (a 0.4-kb probe;
Y. T. Kwon and A. Varshavsky, unpublished data);
ATE1 (nucleotides 638 to 1734, accession no. AF079098);
NTAN1 (nucleotides 34 to 900, accession no. U57692);
mHR6B (E214K) (nucleotides 115 to 569, accession no.
U57690); and β-actin. (B) The level of UBR1 protein in skeletal
muscle is not significantly altered upon fasting. Total extracts (∼70
μg per lane) from skeletal muscles of normally fed or 48-h fasted +/+
and UBR1−/− mice were analyzed by
immunoblotting, using affinity-purified antibody (38)
against the N-terminal ∼35-kDa fragment of mouse UBR1. (C) Northern
analysis of ATE1, NTAN1, and
mHR6B (E214K)
expression in the brain, liver, and testis of +/+ and
UBR1−/− mice by using DNA probes described
in the legend to panel A.