Fig. 8. Age equivalence of a one-point difference in global cross-sectional phenotypic score for different functional outcomes.
Estimated age equivalence of a one-point difference in global cross-sectional phenotypic score for different functional outcomes, including cognitive function, physical function and multimorbidity. Age equivalence is a scaled regression coefficient (point estimates and 95% CIs) relating cross-sectional phenotypic score and rate of changes in functions and illustrates how many years older in functional age are individuals with one point higher in cross-sectional phenotypic scores. Number of participants: DSST, n = 922; memory, n = 922; executive function, n = 929; attention, n = 929; language, n = 929; visuospatial ability, n = 919; usual gait speed, n = 968; time to finish 400-m walk, n = 943; HABC SPPB, n = 968; multimorbidity index, n = 828; also see Supplementary Table 1b for more details.