trc genetically interacts with Ccm3 and Cora in trachea terminal cells. a) Schematic diagram of the Drosophila trachea system in third instar larvae (dorsal view, anterior up). A pair of multicellular dorsal trunks (DT) span the anterior-posterior axis between which 10 dorsal branches (DBs), composed of autocellular tubes, laterally connect. From each dorsal branch (DB), terminal cell (TC) pairs extend anteriorly. Terminal cells are composed of seamless tubes, and connect to the DB via the stalk cell (SC), an autocellular tube. The transition zone (TZ) is a critical region where autocellular tubes connect to seamless tubes and is located between the intercellular junction of the SC and the nucleus/cell body of the terminal cell (marked by square bracket). Screen phenotypes were assessed in the transition zone. b) Quantification of the number of terminal cells with dilations. Indicated RNAi lines are expressed by drm > GFP and shown in C–F”. Bars represent mean + SEM. Genotypes and number of terminal cells assessed (n value): trc Ri + control (luciferase) Ri, n = 27, 36, 26; trc Ri + CCM3 Ri, n = 23,23; trc Ri + Cora Ri, n = 20, 19. Bars represent mean +/− SEM. An unpaired two-sided Student's t-test was used to determine statistical significance between trc Ri + con Ri control and trc Ri + additional RNAi experimental genotypes * P-value < 0.05. (C–F’’) Confocal images of terminal cells from third instar larvae (dorsal view) expressing drm > GFP (fluorescent signal). Bright field shows lumen outline. Dashed square box indicates region that is zoomed in on the two right panels. Scale bars, 50 µM. (C–C’). Terminal cells expressing GFP and a control luciferase RNAi have smooth continuous lumens. (D–D’) Expression of trc RNAi results in 21% terminal cells harboring dilations in the transition zone (asterisk). (E–E’) Co-expression of trc RNAi with CCM3 RNAi results in enhanced dilation rate in terminal cell transition zone (asterisk) compared with trc RNAi alone (B). f) Co-expression of trc RNAi with Coracle (Cora) RNAi results in a partial suppression of the dilation rate of trc RNAi alone (B).