Alleweldt et al. 2021
Cost–benefit analysis of WGS for pathogen surveillance across different public health laboratories in different countries
Case study of eight reference laboratories routinely using WGS, of which the five using WGS for bacterial pathogens are considered here
Costs of WGS compared to next-best conventional method calculated
Break-even analysis
Costs of WGS and conventional methods considered from laboratory perspective: equipment, consumables, staff and other costs, and included estimated lifespans, rate of use and maintenance
Cost of illness included healthcare utilization, productivity loss and premature death (value of statistical life method)
Break-even analysis considered salmonellosis
Brown et al. 2021
Cost–benefit analysis of WGS for foodborne illness source tracking in the USA
Theoretical model included: net value of food production minus the total burden of foodborne illness associated with food production, minus the implementation costs of the programme
Empirical models included: pathogen, year, average illnesses per outbreak and the no. of sequences for the pathogen in NCBI in given year, food vehicle implicated, indicators to establish effects of Food Safety Modernization Act in different years
Cost–benefit model: reduction in illness with increases in WGS isolates in NCBI, underreporting/underdiagnosis multiplier and estimated burden of illness related to each pathogen
Elliott et al. 2021
Cost-effectiveness/cost–utility analysis of WGS and environmental metagenomics for surveillance and management of CRAB in an Australian hospital
A hybrid agent-based and discrete-event model looking at use of WGS and environmental metagenomics in three scenarios modelled using observed outbreak data
Healthcare costs and health utility considered
Used AnyLogic (AnyLogic, Chicago, IL, USA) to model the burns unit over 32 months
Scenario 1 used actual time point – WGS of CRAB isolates commencing shortly after the outbreak was detected, and environmental metagenomics being introduced more than 1 year later. Scenario 2 assumed WGS use prior to the start of the outbreak and delayed introduction of environmental metagenomics, and scenario 3 assumed prior WGS and metagenomics use
Ford et al. 2021
Cost analysis of WGS for public health surveillance of non-typhoidal
Salmonella enterica
in Australia
Costs per case calculated for notified cases
Cost per sample calculated based on billing by five reference laboratories
Break-even analysis for WGS vs serotyping and MLVA
Costs modelled in three simulated outbreak scenarios
Cost per case included direct and indirect healthcare costs, productivity lost, premature mortality
Modelled scenarios: point source outbreak, prolonged outbreak without peak, prolonged outbreak with late peak. In lieu of an effectiveness estimate, intervention at 30, 60 or 90 days earlier on the epidemiological curve was modelled
Effectiveness estimate not used – unclear how intervention points in modelled outbreak scenarios may apply in real outbreaks
Underreporting/underdiagnosis multiplier not used, therefore societal costs likely underestimated
Gordon et al. 2021
Cost–benefit/cost-effectiveness of surveillance for six common multidrug-resistant bacteria across hospitals in Queensland, Australia
National data on HAI (9.9%) subdivided by organism and site used to estimate colonizations, infections and deaths in Queensland (16 hospitals)
Sequencing data derived from WGS surveillance project performed for research purposes locally (1783 isolates). An SNP threshold <5/Mb used to define a cluster, of which 2–18 clusters identified per pathogen involving 5–13 patients
Five-year budget impact analysis – costs for provision of care
Assumption that transmission is successfully broken when WGS data are acted upon, with turnaround time of 7 days for data
Sequencing set-up costs not included
Kumar et al. 2021
Cost-effectiveness study of WGS for infection prevention and control in a US hospital
Transmission network for 11 outbreaks (1 hospital) involving 89 patients built
Transmissions averted by WGS (compared to standard of care) estimated from model
Deaths averted estimated
Change in cost calculated
Estimates of transmissions averted based on effectiveness of intervening against the suspected transmission route, time from transmission to positive culture and time from time to obtain and act on WGS results
Deaths averted calculated by attributable mortality to infections and different anatomical sites
Costs included sequencing, staffing for the IPC team and treatment of infections
Deaths averted not considered in economic terms (value of statistical life)
Sequencing cost per isolate considered $72.13 (70), which is the lowest in this review
Higher acuity of WGS in identifying outbreaks means likely underestimate of benefits due to detection of occult outbreaks/transmission
Dymond et al. 2020
Cost–utility study of WGS surveillance of
Staphylococcus aureus
in hospitalized inpatients in the UK
Estimation of MRSA cases averted
Costs of treatment of infection or colonization, costs of sequencing and collecting samples were calculated
Mortality and QALYs estimated
MRSA case numbers taken from previous prospective cohort study (one laboratory covering three hospitals)
Probability of MRSA acquisition assumed 0.5 % and reduction in MRSA due to genome sequencing assumed 90%
Cost of WGS $134.29 (£100)/isolate, cost of ITU care and cost of colonization only considered
Mortality estimate from Klein et al. 2019, QALY decrement 0.35
Probability of MRSA acquisition and the estimated efficacy of WGS are both hypothetical figures, with efficacy of WGS assumed 90%, although addressed to some extent in sensitivity analysis
Cost of treating infection assumed intensive care admission, resulting in overestimation. As cost of treatment savings the major driver of cost savings in model, this may have important implications
Lee et al. 2020
Cost–benefit analysis of WGS surveillance for MRD
E. coli
in a hospital outbreak in Queensland, Australia
Stochastic hybrid discrete-event, agent-based model using AnyLogic software
Evaluating early vs no WGS in different outbreak scenarios (also includes delayed use of WGS): actual outbreak data, simulated outbreak with environmental transmission and outbreak with an increased virulence pathogen
Costs for treating infection (and death) only included in scenario of increased virulence
The authors note that the outbreak is modelled on an actual OXA-181 outbreak that did not cause clinical infection in any patients
Jain et al. 2019
Cost–benefit analysis of WGS for public health surveillance of non-typhoidal
Salmonella enterica
from specific food vehicles (fresh produce, poultry and eggs) in Canada
Salmonellosis cases attributable to fresh produce, poultry and eggs estimated
Cost of illness estimated for PFGE and WGS
Three scenarios modelled
DALYs and QALYs calculated for PFGE but NOT for WGS
Notified cases, underdiagnosis/underreporting multiplier, and likely percentage attributable to food vehicles of interest used to estimate case numbers – severity of illness calculated with estimates from Hoffman et al. 2012
Cost of illness included direct and indirect costs, premature mortality, costs of surveillance calculations use estimates from Thomas et al. 2015, QALYs (derived from Hoffman et al. 2012) and DALYs (derived from [5])
Modelled scenarios: two historic outbreaks used to model effect of (1) 70 % reduction in cases, (2) 50 % reduction in cases, (3) net benefits for all notified cases in Canada
Considered food vehicles account for 49 % of salmonellosis cases in Canada
Model does not account for any direct cost difference between the two technologies compared (equipment, personnel, etc), and only mentions in the discussion that expert opinion estimates consumable costs to be lower for WGS than PFGE $115.12 vs $219.45 per isolate (135.6 vs 258.49), with $257 098.95 (302 837) in equipment costs
DALYs and QALYs calculated for PFGE but not for WGS