Fig 13. Archaeological uniform phase-length model for Sidon phases C-D, based on N = 20 stratigraphically filtered 14C-dates (i.e.with outliers removed from Table 1 according to the outlier analysis, Fig 12.
The 14C-ages are arranged in the order of the stratigraphic layers from which the samples were taken, with layer-internal randomisation. The applied GaussWM-modelling is based on 1000 runs (run-time 24 hrs) with assumed Gaussian Monte Carlo modelling errors of ± 10 yrs for sample positions, ± 10 BP for calibration curve rebuilding, and application of a non-central chi-squared metric with non-centrality parameter λ = 10. Note that the specific sample-sequence shown as age-model in Fig 12 represents only one of several million alternative sequences, all of which contribute equally to the finally calculated model errors.