(a) Frontal EEG spectra in 0.25 Hz bins between 0.5 and 30 Hz for the acute (first 2 hr, left) and full (first 6 hr, right) observation time window. For the 2 hr time window, the two-way ANOVA revealed an interaction effect between ‘condition’ and ‘frequency’ (F(118,590)=2.961, p<0.0001), but the main effect of ‘condition’ did not reach statistical significance (F(1,5) = 6.560, p=0.0506). In the 6 hr time window, there was an interaction effect between ‘condition’ and ‘frequency’ (F(118, 590)=4.726, p<0.0001) as well as a main effect of ‘condition’ (F(1,5) = 10.32, p=0.0237). Both ANOVAs also revealed a main effect of ‘frequency’. Frequency bins with significant differences in post hoc tests using uncorrected paired t-tests for α-error probability of p=0.05 are indicated with grey asterisks, for α-error probability of p=0.01 with black asterisks, and using Benjamini-Hochberg (BH) correction for multiple testing with light blue asterisks. (b) Frontal EEG spectra during NREM sleep following C21 injections relative to saline injections for the acute (first 2 hr, left) and prolonged (6 hr, right) observation period. Frequency bins with significant differences in uncorrected paired t-tests for α-error probability of p=0.05 are indicated with grey asterisks. n=6 for saline (grey) vs. 3 mg/kg C21 (blue). Data are presented as the mean ± s.e.m. (shaded areas). ANOVA: analysis of variance. C21: compound 21. EEG: electroencephalogram. NREM: non-rapid eye movement sleep. REM: rapid eye movement sleep.