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. 2023 Mar 9;12:e84740. doi: 10.7554/eLife.84740

Author response image 1.

Author response image 1.

Benjamini-Hochberg correction for multiple comparisons confirms the robustness of CNO effects on NREM sleep EEG spectra. Note that the stringent α error threshold of p<0.01 (black asterisks) largely reflects the result of the uncorrected t-tests. Note that the Benjamini-Hochberg correction (light blue asterisks) fails to remove scattered positive bins that do not reach the α error threshold of p<0.01 when few bins are positive (e.g. Wake and REM spectra in the time window 0-2 hours) but removes potentially biologically relevant ranges of significant differences when many individual bins show stronger group differences (see spectral range <1.25 Hz in NREM spectra in the time window 0-2 hours). Reducing the resolution before applying BH correction can fail to detect small spectral ranges with strong difference but can highlight spectral ranges with several slight difference (see REM spectra in the time window 0-6 hours).